Instagram search ban removal


May 4, 2023
Reaction score
I have a few accounts which have been search banned (account does not come up in search unless you enter the full username).

Some people say the account is shadowbanned which it is not as it still gets pushed to non followers just a lot less and I have had videos on search banned accounts go viral.

However it is a lot lot harder to go viral and get views on these accounts.

I am looking for someone who is able to remove these search bans from the accounts
You cannot remove any ban IG puts on you. They might go away by themselves with time if you keep a low profile
Try to improve your trust score by doing manual interactions every day, posts + stories, comments + likes. Only manual, and not too many.
I have a few accounts which have been search banned (account does not come up in search unless you enter the full username).

Some people say the account is shadowbanned which it is not as it still gets pushed to non followers just a lot less and I have had videos on search banned accounts go viral.

However it is a lot lot harder to go viral and get views on these accounts.

I am looking for someone who is able to remove these search bans from the accounts
There is a service who does this and they state they could solve the search ban. It's not cheap tho. Google it and you will find it.