Instagram Scraper ?


Regular Member
Oct 16, 2018
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Could you recommend an Instagram scraper that will get me a list of Instagram usernames in a txt file using filters like hashtags and locations ?

free or premium doesn't matter i just want names, thank you.
I think you can use Followliker
follow liker has everything you need to grow your follower base and to promote anything at anytime you want to. You cannot find any other tool that combines the marketing powers of all these social media platforms into one single tool like followliker
i found this tool make the job for me
you can check in this video how it works:
enjoy hope it will help to you
Only username without email?
they have also one tool after you scrape all username from (followers/following/liks/comments)
you have one tool for filter all user name:

and after i filter all usernames i use there tool for scrape all emails if have in bio:

and they have more tools nice scrape emails from bing/google/google play

if you need help send me private message i will try to help you with my experience. good luck