Instagram Influencers make $$$


Power Member
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
I am looking for members with instagram accounts. Obiviusly i am looking for people with good number of REAL Followers.

I will pay you in order to make shout outs when it will be needed, sending you the offer for the shout.


1. Your Followers must be REAL - not real looking, r.e.a.l. means real (Minimum 10k). - don't play with me i will spot fake followers in a millisecond.
2. You must accept Paypal payment.

If you are interested, fill the form with all the necessary infos.

Note: i will never use your email for other than sending you an email when and if a shout will be needed, i will never use it for other purposes.
I've got a good account but I my country has issues with accepting money, we can only send.
Replied to your pm, i will get in touch as soon as the platform will be ready, meanwhile accepting and collecting anyone with 100% real followers (10k minmum)

PS> once again, if your profile has fake followers, do not waste your time, i will find out and trash it.
Replied to your pm, i will get in touch as soon as the platform will be ready, meanwhile accepting and collecting anyone with 100% real followers (10k minmum)

PS> once again, if your profile has fake followers, do not waste your time, i will find out and trash it.

No you didnt reply, i havent received any PM from you :) Please Reply to my PM if my Account passed to what you are looking for :)