Instagram Ads Campaign


Dec 13, 2015
Reaction score
Hi everyone,
I have been banking really big through Facebook and Adsense, but now the Facebook reach is getting low and low. So i decided to get into another social media which can make me some money. So i decided to get into Instagram. I want to earn at least $100 in next 8 months from it with my investment of money and time. What i am thinking is

1. Make one Instagram account having a popular niche like Cars or soccer or Fashion.
2. Upload 100 pictures in the start.
3. Run an ad campaign with $50 daily budget for Followers.
4. Take it to 100k followers and then earn from it.

But i am now a bit confused about how much followers will i get for $50 per day.
I'm hoping that you will guide me about about Instagram ads.

Thanks :)
If you dont my me asking here, How big is your network of pages on IG I may be interested. thanks

my friend i can help you for mention and ads comment.

i have panel and i will sell credit in panel for mention and comment

add me skype: live:ilkkan24