In what would u invest 100$?


Registered Member
Oct 22, 2019
Reaction score
Hello BHW :) In what would u invest 100$? Yeah I know, it's a kinda small amount of money. But let's say u have only that.
Depends on the amount of hours you are willing to put in, the long span of your investment and the desired return on your investment.
Continue saving until you have enough to commit to something. Any project that you start now will have additional fee's coming up. Truthfully, unless you are set up right now with e-mail lists, product, and funnels; you would more than likely loose your original money. Just being honest.
If you have a list and a good social media following, there are ways to make it. If you don't, I would work on obtaining those first.
Hello BHW :) In what would u invest 100$? Yeah I know, it's a kinda small amount of money. But let's say u have only that.
It will depend on what you already have available to you.. If for example that is it? $100 do not expect to turn that to anything.. If you have skills and IM software then you can do something as simple as buying captchas to get more traffic.. You do not need money to start making money online.. Just affiliate and spread your links.. If you wanna scale an operation you have already in place.. Then $100 is plenty.. to get a ROI..
Hi zicbo_69,

I think there is no specific answer to that question, if you obtained these $100 with specific work, I would invest the money into tools/methods which will allow you to get next $100 faster.
I will upgrade my membership as Jr Vip to access the hidden sub forums.
$ 100 is very small for any start. Buy Instagram accounts, ipv6 proxies and spin them in the bot. There is a great demand for Instagram cheat.
Depends on what your goals are really.
But investing only a 100 in a business ain't gonna get you far if not anywhere
Hello BHW :) In what would u invest 100$? Yeah I know, it's a kinda small amount of money. But let's say u have only that.

Buy a Jr Vip membership with it, and you’ll be able to earn a lot with it if you work smart
JrVip. Probably there's nothing better.

I think that you should spend it on something that makes you happy. Maybe go see a movie, maybe a dinner out... Anything!

Have a great day and Merry Christmas!

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.
I made this $ 100 by making a site, I'm trying to find more clients for websites but it's going really bad. And I was thinking to invest this 100$ in CPA. I already have 10$ on Ogads made by 3 Instagram accounts, soo I thought to buy accounts and proxy.

Anyway thanks again.
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