I'm probably stupid, but is this a viable technique?


Registered Member
Oct 19, 2009
Reaction score
I've never made a sale on Clickbank before and I haven't promoted it all that much, so is this a viable strategy?

Use CPC or CPM programs such as Adbrite/Adwords/ well you get the idea and then spend your own money to promote the product with a hoplink to the product page?

If so is this really all that effective?

You may call me stupid for asking this question, but I'd rather know.

there are no stupid questions when they are meant to learn...but your own landing page is more effective.
You don't seem to know too much about Clickbank, PPC programs or IM in general.

I advise you to start off with free or "bum" traffic techniques before jumping into PPC, where the chances are, you'll lose a few grand and get de-moralized.

There's a search function here that holds all of the answers to your broader questions. E.g. "what a landing page is". If you have a specific question, feel free to ask here or PM me.

But get reading first.
There are several landing page generators in the download section. Also check the download section for info on adwords and PPC

Is there an ebook or guide that can give me the basics of doing all of this?