Iframe not loading


Junior Member
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
I'm having problems getting an iFrame to load in FF and IE. I was using the cakeslice code and it used to work just fine. But lately it hasn't; I got emails from people that said they couldn't enter an email and when I went to check I saw that it wasn't loading.

I thought it was the advertiser blocking me but I even iframed a part of yahoo and it's still not showing on either.
Put the iframe code here. The last browser updates can block cookies some times.
<div style="overflow: hidden; width: 232px; height: 61px; position: relative;" id="i_div">
<iframe name="i_frame" src="http://www.yahoo.com" style="border: 0pt none ; left: -176px; top: -36px; position: absolute; width: 1366px; height: 573px;" scrolling="no"></iframe></div>
It's just showing a white bar where the Iframe should be.
That code is fine. The white bar is from the yahoo page. It 's working perfect here.
It shows the yahoo site because you have the yahoo site on your code. To show a CPA ad you must put the CPA link on iframe tag instead of the yahoo site.
Dude I know that. I'm not going to put my CPA link here.
Due the last updates of IE and Firefox your CPA link must have a '.' (don 't know if that 's case) to accept cookies. Maybe that 's the problem. For example if you run a script from
[/URL], probably will not accept cookies. You need to use
Well, that 's the problem then. Try to put the domain on your CPA link (your if that 's local). You have the problem solved.