I edited the ie6.css, putting in the <!--[if IE]> your CSS goes here <[endif]-->.
Stille the same though. Perhaps I did it wrong.
Looks like this:
<!--[if IE]>
/* png fix */
* html .png {
azimuth: expression(
this.nodeName == "IMG" && this.src.toLowerCase().indexOf('.png')>-1?(this.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "none",
this.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid
XImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + this.src + "', sizingMethod='image')",
this.src = "http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/images/transparent.gif")
this.origBg = this.origBg? this.origBg :this.currentStyle.backgroundImage.toString().replace('url("','').replace('")',''),
this.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid
XImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + this.origBg + "', sizingMethod='crop')",
this.runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = "none")),this.pngSet=true
.png a {
cursor: pointer;
/* IE6 min- & max-width emulation */
#header .headerwrap,
#footer {
width: expression((document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) < 1000 ? '990px' : '100%');
width: expression((document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) > 1410 ? '1400px' : '100%');
Edit: with smilies n all.. haha