Ideas on Geo Specific Results

Jay D

Registered Member
Aug 3, 2014
Reaction score
Hi all,

I thought I would see if anyone has any good ideas on how to fix some geo-specific results. Here is the scenario:

We have some results that are in a geo specific google page ( One of the links (Link X), we would like to push to second or third page. We have been hammering BL's to all the other links that are in the top 10, but this Link X is very specific to the geo location and stays at position 3 or 4. If you change the google domain to just .com, this result is pushed back to 3rd page.

Any thoughts on how to move Link X to second page on domain?
Jay, very interesting problem.
What happens when you try the search on domain, does it change then?
It does change. It seems the closer I am to the, meaning country wise, the Link X still shows in the results, but not as high. I am wondering if google judges physical distances, when showing results.