I Need Help With Monetizing My Fast Growing YouTube Traffic.


Registered Member
Apr 18, 2015
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Hey everyone,

I have a few growing YouTube channels, which I am currently monetizing solely with AdSense. I've tried several other approaches, including CPA offers, but have had no success at all with any of them.

AdSense is bringing me a decent amount, but I feel like I'm leaving quite a bit of money on the table, so I thought I'd ask the community for help. Moreover, I'm always very uneasy having to rely on AdSense, as you never know what they will decide to do.

Here are a couple of screenshots of the current view count and demographic statistics of one of my channels to give you an idea of the type of audience I have -- http://imgur.com/a/Y1KFB.

I am reaching out to everyone who can help, but particularly to people from the CPA networks here on the forum who should know best what works for an audience like mine.

Any help will be appreciated.
Adsence is your baby well done .

Maybe try diffrent size adds or just word adds and try diffrent postions on the page.

Stick with adsence good luck.

Youtube and adsence is a winner

Do what your doing and keep doing the same with other channels challenge your self ...

What your daily income , i am guessing $300 a day ?
Try Fambit it's a place for Youtubers to pick sponsorship deals, and for Sponsors to advertive on Youtube videos
Most of your traffic is from US but since we are not sure what kind of videos do you exactly upload it would be tuff to say But I would suggest you to check offervault.com and search for offers that meet your niche signup over that CPA network and bring that content.

That might help you in increasing your earnings.
Lead submissions are never a bad way to go my man. The description box and annotations are your friend! Be creative ~ I don't know what niche youre in but there must be some good lead submission offers available.
Lead submissions are never a bad way to go my man. The description box and annotations are your friend! Be creative ~ I don't know what niche youre in but there must be some good lead submission offers available.

Do annotations play as much role as description too ?
I am using @socialmediapro 's TM course and VMB and am getting okish results... but are Annotations important too ?
Thanks to everyone who replied! Meanwhile, I tried another CPA offer in the description of my videos, with no success at all. Yesterday I had about 200,000 views, but just a handful of clicks on the offer.

Has anyone had any success with YouTube multi-channel networks? I might try a CPC-based MCN on one of my channels to see if it is worth it.
Thanks to everyone who replied! Meanwhile, I tried another CPA offer in the description of my videos, with no success at all. Yesterday I had about 200,000 views, but just a handful of clicks on the offer.

Has anyone had any success with YouTube multi-channel networks? I might try a CPC-based MCN on one of my channels to see if it is worth it.
I can help you. Add me on Skype: ninco901
What is your niche? Watch out for the people who will (probably) message you.