I need an Xbox Live Code Generator Script


Power Member
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Ive been looking on the internet and I cant seem to find it anywhere. Anyone know where I might be able to find this so I can put it on my website? I see other people doing it like this example here:

Im just trying to replicate it
It is just generating random set of letters and numbers.
It can be done in few simple lines using php.
You do realize is fake?
Just make a random generator with random keys it shouldnt be too hard.
Ive been looking on the internet and I cant seem to find it anywhere. Anyone know where I might be able to find this so I can put it on my website? I see other people doing it like this example here:

Im just trying to replicate it

It's impossible , when you buy then they're activated by the shop. There is no way to crack them.

Trust me. I would just buy one , or find someone who will buy you on in exchange for some work:)
Just sayin, anyone replying only to tell the person that the codes are fake, you're not answering the question. He never asks for real codes, he's looking to replicate the thing itself for his site.

As others have said, just generate 25 random letters & numbers and format them as Microsoft does. Just Google how to generate random numbers/letters with PHP/Javascript, whichever you prefer.
Just sayin, anyone replying only to tell the person that the codes are fake, you're not answering the question. He never asks for real codes, he's looking to replicate the thing itself for his site.

As others have said, just generate 25 random letters & numbers and format them as Microsoft does. Just Google how to generate random numbers/letters with PHP/Javascript, whichever you prefer.

Oh , sorry! That's what I thought he was asking:/ My bad....

Yes , just go on YouTube and you'll learn how.
Hey I have ripped a site like this. I will post it tomorrow!
Sharing is caring!
Oh , sorry! That's what I thought he was asking:/ My bad....

Yes , just go on YouTube and you'll learn how.

No worries, I wasn't trying to bash anyone. :) just thought I'd point it out so others don't feel the need to repeat that they are fake codes.
So I found this:
function assign_rand_value($num) {

    // accepts 1 - 36
    switch($num) {
        case "1"  : $rand_value = "a"; break;
        case "2"  : $rand_value = "b"; break;
        case "3"  : $rand_value = "c"; break;
        case "4"  : $rand_value = "d"; break;
        case "5"  : $rand_value = "e"; break;
        case "6"  : $rand_value = "f"; break;
        case "7"  : $rand_value = "g"; break;
        case "8"  : $rand_value = "h"; break;
        case "9"  : $rand_value = "i"; break;
        case "10" : $rand_value = "j"; break;
        case "11" : $rand_value = "k"; break;
        case "12" : $rand_value = "l"; break;
        case "13" : $rand_value = "m"; break;
        case "14" : $rand_value = "n"; break;
        case "15" : $rand_value = "o"; break;
        case "16" : $rand_value = "p"; break;
        case "17" : $rand_value = "q"; break;
        case "18" : $rand_value = "r"; break;
        case "19" : $rand_value = "s"; break;
        case "20" : $rand_value = "t"; break;
        case "21" : $rand_value = "u"; break;
        case "22" : $rand_value = "v"; break;
        case "23" : $rand_value = "w"; break;
        case "24" : $rand_value = "x"; break;
        case "25" : $rand_value = "y"; break;
        case "26" : $rand_value = "z"; break;
        case "27" : $rand_value = "0"; break;
        case "28" : $rand_value = "1"; break;
        case "29" : $rand_value = "2"; break;
        case "30" : $rand_value = "3"; break;
        case "31" : $rand_value = "4"; break;
        case "32" : $rand_value = "5"; break;
        case "33" : $rand_value = "6"; break;
        case "34" : $rand_value = "7"; break;
        case "35" : $rand_value = "8"; break;
        case "36" : $rand_value = "9"; break;
    return $rand_value;

function get_rand_alphanumeric($length) {
    if ($length>0) {
        for ($i=1; $i<=$length; $i++) {
            mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
            $num = mt_rand(1,36);
            $rand_id .= assign_rand_value($num);
    return $rand_id;

function get_rand_numbers($length) {
    if ($length>0) {
        for($i=1; $i<=$length; $i++) {
            mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
            $num = mt_rand(27,36);
            $rand_id .= assign_rand_value($num);
    return $rand_id;

function get_rand_letters($length) {
    if ($length>0) {
        for($i=1; $i<=$length; $i++) {
            mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
            $num = mt_rand(1,26);
            $rand_id .= assign_rand_value($num);
    return $rand_id;

and a secondary call to it which is this:
$str = get_rand_alphanumeric(8); // Numbers and Letters

My question now is.. Do I save the first code as someting.php and use the secondary call on an index page of a website or do I put it all on the same page?
You shouldn't have to. Just save that first bit of PHP into your page (with surrounding PHP tags, of course, and making sure the extension is .php), and then wherever you want the code to display, put this:

$livecode = get_rand_alphanumeric(25);
echo $livecode;

Or, if you want it on a single line,

echo get_rand_alphanumeric(25);

Hope that helps. :)
You shouldn't have to. Just save that first bit of PHP into your page (with surrounding PHP tags, of course, and making sure the extension is .php), and then wherever you want the code to display, put this:

Thanks a lot, I got a test to work and but now I need the characters which present themselves as letters to be in all caps.. What would I have do add to make that happen?
That's fairly simple to make if you have some knowledge, you just need a good design...
Thanks a lot, I got a test to work and but now I need the characters which present themselves as letters to be in all caps.. What would I have do add to make that happen?

That's simple, just do this:

echo strtoupper(get_rand_alphanumeric(25));

And let me know how it goes. :)
I must be doing something wrong.. I have a good first page which is here

but my generator page keeps turning out all screwed up.. Its here:

Dont know much about coding but Im trying the best I can :/
I must be doing something wrong.. I have a good first page which is here

but my generator page keeps turning out all screwed up.. Its here:

Dont know much about coding but Im trying the best I can :/

If you don't mind, please shoot me the entire code of that page, I'm sure it's just a simple misplacement of a quote or something somewhere. :)
I must be doing something wrong.. I have a good first page which is here

but my generator page keeps turning out all screwed up.. Its here:

Dont know much about coding but Im trying the best I can :/

Remember to edit the footer links :)