I got own PBN, but afraid to use it.


Power Member
Oct 23, 2011
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Hi, i have finished building my 50 website PBN, but now when it is time to link to moneysite i am afraid to pull the plunger. A lot of pbn's have been taken down lately, i am not afraid to lose PBN, but i am afraid of penalty to moneysite. Maybe there less effective, but safer way to use pbn sites?
Test it with a site that you don`t care that much about? yt video? web property?
You have nothing to be worry about if you do everything right.
Removing footprints, anchor diversity etc.
Just do it, it is your only choice anyways.
Learn about anchor diversity all you can, it will put you on the top 10% of people who uses PBN links and you'll be x times more safer.
If you set it up right then you have nothing to worry about.
The pbn's that have been taken down recently were taken down because the creator didn't do it right. If you did everything right then your good to go.
In the same boat OP, except I have a PBN of around 450 sites... I'm scared if I link to one site from all of them that they all get penalized :/
In the same boat OP, except I have a PBN of around 450 sites... I'm scared if I link to one site from all of them that they all get penalized :/

I wouldn't point all 450 to the money site directly.

Make a few web 2.0s and send some links there.
The pbn's that have been taken down recently were taken down because the creator didn't do it right. If you did everything right then your good to go.

Not to jinx myself but what Hawkster said. Almost 2 years and counting and not a single penalty, de-indexation or manual review. I keep my outbound links low and diverse, platforms different, content original and reasonable quality (whether spun or un-spun), hosting between 8 regitrars, registration between 3...I look like just another blogger talking about boring shit and putting it on the internet. Gets the job done.
PBN's that are created using the right structure, as well as with high-quality content, will ALWAYS work out in the end!

If you mess up the process, of course something isn't going to act as it normally would!

Not saying you did though, it's just food for thought.
While you are afraid to use your PBN, your competitors are earning big time.
A good sign is that you're afraid to use it for maybe not doing something right. This means you're not just lazily slapping crap up but actually doing it right, keep reading and make sure you post properly and you'll be fine. Vary the links/anchors, don't use the same blog post (obviously), etc. you know what to do. You'll be fine, those who run into issues are those who aren't careful.
Most of the PBN owners who get penalized usually mess up with their link profile. I ensure you that if you master the art of Anchor Text, then Penguin will be your favorite animal. Start reading GotchSEO's Anchor Text guide and it'll be more than enough.
You've got so much interest now, you're going to share the results of your pbn once you do use it right!? :-)
Not to jinx myself but what Hawkster said. Almost 2 years and counting and not a single penalty, de-indexation or manual review. I keep my outbound links low and diverse, platforms different, content original and reasonable quality (whether spun or un-spun), hosting between 8 regitrars, registration between 3...I look like just another blogger talking about boring shit and putting it on the internet. Gets the job done.

How many money sites do you link from your PBN?