I discovered how algorithm work

I noticed that it many times are not channels blowing up, but heads of creators of those channels, then they get so chaotic they can't put their "extreme experience" in a neat way on paper.
You cheered me up, thank you)
First of all i'm not good at speaking English so hope u guys can understand what i'm saying :p
I'm just a newbie and also new to this algorithm, however after 1 month of testing, i discovered a lot of thing that can make your video go viral ( OR atleast boosting )
First u have to find popular niche or algorithm wont recongize your video.
Second, always aim for browse feature views, that mean SEO doesnt matter, do NOT try to SEO or make it appear on top search ( This is a waste of time for newbie )
Post your video to a few subreddit that relevant to your content, have atleast 50-100 views from external, after that stop and delete the link. WHY delete? Because organic views are still better than external so it shouldnt be too much, i have 1 video that go viral but at late time because i got too many views from external ( 7-8k ) and organic views only 100 ( CTR at this time is over 10% ) => Algorithm think i fraud. Algorithm will boost a video with 60 organic views plus 100 external and 8% CTR, it will not boost if u have 70 oraganic views with 0 external view and 9% CTR. Ofc with like 200-300 oragnic plus over 10% CTR, algorithm will start boosting instantly but most people cant affort that so make sure to share your video to social media.
Title is your best friend ( thumbnail only matter 30%, i dont know why people say thumbnail matter a lot but for me even i spend 5 hours to create high quality thumbnail, it isnt as good as confuse title), try to make confuse title that people must click on it to satisfy themselves, ofc your video must be relevant to that title, do NOT try to SEO your title, just make confuse title, example " Do u know this thing can kill u? " ; " This is the worst thing in my .... "
Title shouldnt be too long or it will apper as ...
CTR is KING, it has higher priority over high retention. Your CTR must be always above 15% for browse feature ( This can make u have atleast 100k views and above ) ( Mine is 19.2% and sitting at 500k views right now )
6% CTR vs 100% watchtime is worse than 15% CTR vs 50% watch time. Try to aim above 50% watch time, below i dont recommended.
Now for the engagement, do NOT try to make your video perfectly that everyone cant say something funny about your video, u will lose engagement, if u are doing some serious high quality work, try to add some funny moments in it. U can also use your other channels and comment on your own video, make it funny and answerable, people will upvote it and want to react with that comment, this is the key to make your video have high engagement. Limit 1 gmail per comment, 5 gmails per IP, try to watch full video or atleast 90% then add comment so u can trick algorithm and that comment will be legit ( If u go back to your channel and cant see that comment, that mean it's flagged as fraud ) ( for me 3 funny comments is enough for people to enjoy )
Now for the algorithm, it will check your video every hour, when requirement met, it will boost your video for 6 hours equal to your current CTR then drop to 10% of the boosting for 18 hours to test your video, if your video can maintain CTR or even make it higher, algorithm will boost again for another 6 hours and repeat the process.
Video that cant maintain 5% CTR while algorithm boosting will have 3-4k views for entire boost and may DIE permanently unless CTR increase again but this may needs a long journey ( That's why i heard some video may blow up at late time like 6 months after upload )
Video that can maintain over 15% CTR while algorithm boosting will have atleast 100-400k views for the entire boost depend on your retention and put video to test again for another boost.
Pretty much 95% white hat method, only black method is comment on your own video, u can also buy a few reddit upvote ( For me 10 is enough ), crowd effect will do the rest for your content.
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This is a simple video that go viral ( This video isnt short because it's not vertical video ) ( length is 41s )
View attachment 205993
Great info.
Man, you're a genius for this! This will still be super useful in 2024.