I can Scrape Telegram group members " giveaway "

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i hope your not planning to spam this thread with

Send me the link and how do I send the file to you?
Send me the link and how do I send the file to you?
Send me the link and how do I send the file to you?
Send me the link and how do I send the file to you?

over n over
Yes, send me the link to the group in private and your email to you I will send you the file :)
If you are asking for emails then this is against the forum section guidelines. Rule no.3
You MAY NOT collect any information (in any form) from BlackHatWorld's members. This includes, but is not limited to, emails/user names/instant message details/etc. In short, there's no list building allowed.
Also just realized you created account today and started freebie right away:)

I can Scrape Telegram group members

This giveaway is for any people .
Hey you look the expert. need your help.
need to get mobile number and email account of one indian user, possible ?
please help.
thank you.
Send me please
Hello and thanks for quick reply.
Attached is a screen shot of the account holder. i need details of his mobile number and email address to take action. please help me.
Thank you.


  • help.jpg
    53.1 KB · Views: 19
If you are asking for emails then this is against the forum section guidelines. Rule no.3
You MAY NOT collect any information (in any form) from BlackHatWorld's members. This includes, but is not limited to, emails/user names/instant message details/etc. In short, there's no list building allowed.
Also just realized you created account today and started freebie right away:)
Not true my dear, I sent the files to everyone :)
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