Hi guys
today a new day try to install wordops but no luck. (google cloud vm ssh console)
First I follow this. guide:
also at first set A record for hostname (panel) then do the installion.
All outputs are fine wordops i sinstalled with panel domain.
Then use this command to set wordpress site with ssl;
wo site create myrootdomain.com --wpredis -le --force --php80
Then get this error:
Issuing SSL cert with acme.sh [KO]
Your domain is properly configured but acme.sh was unable to issue certificate.
Then I tried some commands:
sudo acme.sh --set-default-ca --server letsencrypt= command not found
-bash: /etc/letsencrypt/config/account.conf: Permission denied
sudo: /etc/letsencrypt/config/account.conf: command not found
what a sick big crap is this.
I was not able to create my root domain with Let's encrypt ssl and the wordops dashboard not has a "one click" add a site with ssl like with Hestia panel as example.
So no luck to set up this crap so I purged the whole wordops stack.
What is wrong here, why wordops can not set up my root domain with Let's encrypt ssl ?
Have a nice day!