i am feared please help


Sep 27, 2013
Reaction score
i have bot which spams strangermeetup.com
its a chat site
my bot types hi hello then wait for 5 seconds then type what is your asl?
then wait 5 seconds then type my website link like see i have got free iphone at myiphones3.com
this bot is working fine for me and i am getting 100 visitors daily to my site.
Now today when i checked my gmail i got an email
we have seen spam activity on http://strangermeetup.com/ pointing to your site
myiphones3.com . This is not acceptable. Please stop before we take
further actions.

Best regards,

Andreas Semborg
BrainSoft AB

Now friends please tell me what legal actions can he take also i am very feared,should i stop this or continue
you are gonna get a message from his solictor asking you for A/S/l and there isn't going to be a happy ending... He is probably going to contact your host and complain about it and get your details off them and posting your site above is not a smart move as this post will get indexed in google. I can see the site is down now so I guess either you or your host has pulled the plug.
Legal action will be taken if you continue. I have heard companies taking action against the web owner through their subsidiaries or attorneys in Asian countries like India, Thailand etc. So don't take them lightly or get ready to face the music.
Nah relax, they won't do anything. The most they would probably do is ban your IP, that's it. It takes way too much after to go after every single spammer.
Legal action will be taken if you continue. I have heard companies taking action against the web owner through their subsidiaries or attorneys in Asian countries like India, Thailand etc. So don't take them lightly or get ready to face the music.

Nah relax, they won't do anything. The most they would probably do is ban your IP, that's it. It takes way too much after to go after every single spammer.
Are you sure 100% he wont do anything.i dont care about the ip bann. also i have hidemyass vpn

need more opinions.He only have my email id which is present on whois info.My address and phone number is false.
Hosting do you use?

So you spam the chat, your own website every 5 minutes.

Maybe you should talk to your hosting parties
Hosting do you use?

So you spam the chat, your own website every 5 minutes.

Maybe you should talk to your hosting parties
yes i use hosting.my all sites are hosted on 1 vps.yip i spam the chat every 1 minute.i run multiple instances of my bot simultaneously.
Don't think that hidemyass can protect your ass. They will be forced to reveal your IP address when they get a subpoena from the court and once your IP address is revealed, strangermeetup.com can get your details through your ISP.
What causes lawsuits for you?

Do you use a bot on other people's websites?
Don't think that hidemyass can protect your ass. They will be forced to reveal your IP address when they get a subpoena from the court and once your IP address is revealed, strangermeetup.com can get your details through your ISP.
yup you are right.they can get my details through isp.what do you think should i stop spamming? what will you do if u r in my situation?

What causes lawsuits for you?

Do you use a bot on other people's websites?
yes i use bot made in imacros firefox addon
Cease and Desist ! Better find other better means of making money than getting into trouble

yup you are right.they can get my details through isp.what do you think should i stop spamming? what will you do if u r in my situation?
Nah they won't do anything for now. Just stop what you're doing
The most you will get is a Cease and desist, even that I highly doubt you will get. To think that they would pay a law firm in another country a ton of $$ to pursue a lone spammer is absolutely ridiculous.
Spamming chat sites isnt really a decent way of doing business. There are better ways of promoting your sites.