I am amazed how terrible godaddy is.


Elite Member
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
Ok, I have dealt with plenty of small/large companies online during all these years but after my nowadays experience with godaddy I must say I am really shocked because I just can`t believe that such internet giant could deliver such poor performance.

Check out the few issues I have dealt during this week:

1) I paid for the listed domain in the auction. The status of the domain says 'Yours on 11/22" but the domain is still not mine today even though they kept saying that this issue will be solved in 2-3 days after the original date. This really bugs me because I`ve promised this domain name to my customer and now I have to do all this crappy apologizing talk.
2) Paid my domain`s renewal 4 years in advance. But the renewal date still appears 2012/xx/xx. One day after this I contacted the support which was supposed to answer me within 2 hours (that is what the status of it claimed)...It actually took two days to receive this:
Due to its complex nature, your issue has been relayed to our Advanced Technical Support Team. Our most skilled technicians will be working to resolve your issue quickly and completely. You will be notified promptly upon resolution.
When finally two days after that message I received another message which said that the issue is now solved.
3) Paid for my another domain`s renewal 2 years in advance...same story - are you f... kidding me godaddy????

I could add a couple of more of these ridiculous issues but I think that is enough...I could understand that some technical issues occur once in a while but this is totally out of hands.
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yes they suck big time. They suspended my account because of some problems they had on their website, but they never recognized that. STUPID STUPID STUPID. This is how big companies treat members that pay lot of money monthly. It's their problem, i can always go and pay the same money to their competition. Sure they will still have a huge revenue, but that's the only thing we can do.

By the way, my problem was also go daddy auctions related.
I personally never had any problems with Godaddy. However their checkout system sucks and most people almost end up buying useless things mistakenly through their hidden appearance.

I have heard several complaints regarding their auction system. May be its still buggy or there might even be some business strategy behind such delays.
They're sneaky as hell too. Some years back a month or two after I purchase a domain name, they tried to charge me for hosting which I never signed up for and which I can't even remember was an issue when I did the purchase. Another one is they automatically renew you whether or not you want to.
I'm sticking with namecheap from now on.
Godaddy are a bunch of dogs. all they care about are UPSALES....

Waste of humanity, BURN THEN DOWN TO THE GROUND!
Their hosting is - well what can I say. It's so not straight forward. I found it just too fiddly and far more complicated than it needs to be. They're always trying to sell you something --- but I guess that's just what the internet is all about -- well mostly LOL!
I HATE their UI/UX plus the 1,000,000 upsells, buy my domains at Namecheap now, and not looking back.
Moving my domains to NameCheap ... GoDaddy and the pimpress Danica Patrick


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"One time in band camp" ... I sent too much traffic to a shared hosting I had on godaddy.
It broke the freakin server... but they claimed everything was alright.
Kept on trying to upsell me stuff.

I move to hostgator.... and no problems whatsoever... smooth as silk...

So now all my servers are at hostgator..
Man , I still gotta write up a thread about what they did to me , short summary : took down my main earning site ( I only noticed after one day cause they didn't even notify me) , then they forced me to move it to another provider ( had to pay 75 $ ) for it . And why ? Cause I was promoting a product that some guy decided to file a complaint about ( no I wasn't selling it myself , just linking to it ) . In total they held my domain hostage for 2 days. Luckily it didn't impact my ranking.

Stay away from these fools , far far away.
I have a question regarding GoDaddy. I have domains that I spam around and bring traffic in that way and my main good websites all on the same account on GoDaddy. Should I be worried that someone is going to complain at some point and my whole account is going to be suspended? Would I then lose my good domain which is my main source of income?
I have a question regarding GoDaddy. I have domains that I spam around and bring traffic in that way and my main good websites all on the same account on GoDaddy. Should I be worried that someone is going to complain at some point and my whole account is going to be suspended? Would I then lose my good domain which is my main source of income?

I would not host on GoDaddy in your situation. Lunarpages is a good place for that kind of thing, they generally don't give a f.
I would not host on GoDaddy in your situation. Lunarpages is a good place for that kind of thing, they generally don't give a f.
Alright. Would you say I should transfer all the spamming websites to Lunarpages and keep the good websites on GoDaddy or what? It's a pain to transfer and I'd like to do as little as possible.
Alright. Would you say I should transfer all the spamming websites to Lunarpages and keep the good websites on GoDaddy or what? It's a pain to transfer and I'd like to do as little as possible.

Lunarpages is what someone recommended to me awhile ago here (unfortunately I do not remember the name) for shady activities. To stay on safe side I would transfer all shady domains away from GoDaddy.
I have no idea what are you doing on this website. They cant even create a normal brand name. What about professional services...total joke. As far as i know the true domain register is called NameCheap. I cant believe some people host their money sites on godaddy. For what? I guess you bought the hosting by mistake, trying to reg a domain :) The interface > Mystic 4 as a top game in the quest genre.

does someone know hxxp://xxx.luckyregister.com

Seems a little cheaper on hosting plans then namecheap...

I am going to give the one good review on GoDaddy... I have had them for many years in the adult area... yes they are expensive if you have to beef up security due to site attacks every day on your sites lol

I have had the same issues with someone filing copyright notices, however they have always contacted me about the issue and allowed me time to resolve the issue in question with them (remove copyrighted content) They have never shut me down and asked questions later.

Overall I have been very satisfied with the up time and ease of customer support if you have the support plan (highly recomend) They give you special number and you can call them 24/7 to have any issues fixed asap with a live tech on the phone with you the entire time ;)

Like I said only draw back that I have seen with them is cost... a good dedicated server with support and top of the line firewall will run about 3k per year :o