

Regular Member
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Don't you just love seeing your site get ranked super high in Google? I swear it is by far the best feeling in the world because you know very soon tons of money will come your way:cool:

I won't bore you guys.
BUT I'm ranking for KeyWord1 Keyword2 at once. Not just Keyword1, or just Keyword2, but both of them. So it's sorta a connecting word(s). Like.... "Flatscreen Television" or "DVD Burner", so in any case...

About 438,000 results.
For the first 3-4 weeks i searched my site "Keyword1Keyword.ca" (with "") and it still didn't rank first on google lol lol.

Now I tried writing keyword1 keyword2 on google.ca (my site is keyword1keyword2.ca) and what do you know? its already on page 2 of google! (w/ turned of personlzied results and not logged in).

All I did is have 10 articles on Ezine.
Article Views:147 Profile Views:3 URL Clicks:14 Click Rate:9.5%On the site I have 4 articles & 2 YouTube videos

and thats it.