How's your expenience with VPS pre-loaded Tools


Supreme Member
Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, Everyone. Please let me if it is useful to buy VPS with Blackhat SEO Tools.

Is there anyone experience to this and which one to select.

If you can afford it I would rather go with a clean Windows VPS and then install my SEO tools.
It will give you maximum power and flexibility.

If you have good budget then better you buy a Windows Based VPS and hen nstall your own legit tools

As most of the preloaded VPS's are using cracked versions .
I've got a load of tools gathered, but on regular basis I use scrapebox and some automatic link posters (for link building). Serp Attacks, Traffic Travies, google keywords :) and Domain Samurai for keyword analysis (but I gladly exchange them for one good keyword analysis tool if I find one).

better to own your tools and then buy VPS and private proxies , tools like scrapebox and ultimate demon have one time
payment and give you what you need for links building diversity ...........
I've got a load of tools gathered, but on regular basis I use scrapebox and some automatic link posters (for link building). Serp Attacks, Traffic Travies, google keywords :) and Domain Samurai for keyword analysis (but I gladly exchange them for one good keyword analysis tool if I find one).


You bought all?
This is probably the 5th thread of this kind that I saw on here in the last 2 weeks. You should use search I'm sure you can get some valuable information from the previous threads.