How to youtube comment


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2009
Reaction score
For those of us that are new can someone here give us a step by step guide for newb's on how to comment on youtube successfully.

I havent seen anything like this...
whats that hard to comment on youtube?

-go to the video
-enter the comment and press send.

its the same thing as allways, do not post to many comments per time with the same ip and username else the comments might be flaged as spam.
is there a GOOD software the rotates ips and usernames for youtube?

Release/Renew IP or use a Air card for IP
Have multiple accounts and change in and out of them.

One way I would recommend doing it, and depends on your budget constraints, is outsource it and pay $X per every 100 comments posted. Provide youtube accounts, instructions and ask for the links to be emailed to you at the end of the work.

You could probably get 100 comments for a few $ a day. that i think of it....
I am not a big youtube marketer myself so what is the main benefit of the comments on the videos? Thanks.
I am not a big youtube marketer myself so what is the main benefit of the comments on the videos? Thanks.

You can comment and throw in "I saw this on www.XXX*com" or whatever. Its a very watered down method. Is there another reason...?
Oh ok thanks....I thought that might be part of it but didn't know if there was any effect on ranking etc (more comments, more ratings = higher in the youtube engine)
Oh ok thanks....I thought that might be part of it but didn't know if there was any effect on ranking etc (more comments, more ratings = higher in the youtube engine)

Not for that actually :P but more likely check out my websit bla bla bla on related video.

as far as i know commeting you tube :D click video write the comment in comment box and press add comment. Need video tut for that ?
I read somewhere that youtube will implement same system with SMS verification in near future...
For the few youtube campaigns that I have done, I have got a lot of traffic just from watermarking and a link drop in the description so i never bothered with the comments. Especially because of all the flagging going on.
Just an idea, what if one was having a specific campaign and finding relating videos, and either video comment or just comment on 1 each day for say 3 months 90 comments in all, it would be fastly done every day and you would be able to attend to something else, like articles writing and link building, so do the things strategically, just a thought probably bad.
It used to be, when you replied to another user's comment on a Youtube video, it would show your comment nested underneath his. Now, it seems that the comments show up at the top of the list. This is annoying. Out of context as it is now, the comment loses its value.