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How to use stolen images for Profiles etc?


Junior Member
Jun 16, 2011
Reaction score
Hello is there an easy way or tool to fix a stolen image, so it wont be found by any Program that scans the internet for duplicate images.

Is mirroring an image sufficient?
I always use a screen capture program. Just capture the image and re-save it. I also change the name to something meaningless. That always works for me.
Yeah I usually do it that way. However I made a Profile with a hot Chick...got added by hundreds of Guys in no time. Then someone posted a link to the Original Image under one of my postings.

Somehow He found the original Image. I know there are some Plugins for FF and Websites that can do this job.

Just thought I should change the image slightly, but I don't know what is enough.
Try adding a clear layer in photoshop or a super blown out gaussian blur and rename the jpeg.
Yeah I usually do it that way. However I made a Profile with a hot Chick...got added by hundreds of Guys in no time. Then someone posted a link to the Original Image under one of my postings.

Somehow He found the original Image. I know there are some Plugins for FF and Websites that can do this job.

Just thought I should change the image slightly, but I don't know what is enough.
maybe he used this tool:
adjusting brightness/contrast should do the trick tho

if you have MS Office installed then you must have MS Picture Manager
open the program, browse you picture folder, ctrl+a the images you want to modify, adjust brightness/contrast a bit and save them, also rename them
i think it's not hard. resize the image or change the extension.
Take a photo, and use photoshop to edit in such a way that it looks like your genuine belonging. Other softwares like irfanview, picassa also help to change the images.
I always use a screen capture program. Just capture the image and re-save it. I also change the name to something meaningless. That always works for me.

Thanks for the suggestion. Going to use this myself!
thanks for the suggestions, I used a screen capture Program (ksnapshot on linux) and this was obviously not enough.

I have Gimp for Linux, so I will change Contrast and Brightness in the future. Hope this will do the trick.

just checked tineye dot com, awesome can use this in the future to check if my images are safe.

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maybe he used this tool:
adjusting brightness/contrast should do the trick tho

if you have MS Office installed then you must have MS Picture Manager
open the program, browse you picture folder, ctrl+a the images you want to modify, adjust brightness/contrast a bit and save them, also rename them

I was just testing some images with that Site. I actually still had the old image that got caught and I found the Original Image with that Site. So it's an awesome tool to check if your changes were effective.

So I did some testing, changed brightness and contrast, but the Original Image was still found. Then I flipped the Image and this worked....

In GIMP its under Tools - Transform Tools - Flip