How to send 700 emails?


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2015
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I need to send 700 emails. I would prefer to not use gmail because I am concerned about being tracked. I have an aged yahoo mail account. If I send the 700 emails, one by one, within 24 hours, will they give me problems?
If you're gonna tell me to do it through my own domain and hosting, the problem is, I don't know how to set everything up. I don't wanna mess with DNS and mail A record settings and all that crap. One time I tried it and all my emails were going to spam because something wasn't set up right.
you can use sendgrid for free.. or sparkpost for free too but only if u add your sending domain
You can try Mailchimp for doing bulk emails.
You can send it through gmail or any domain id but 200-250 emails per day, mean make a gap of 24 hours.