How to remove 'blackhole exploit kit website 11' from my wordpress website.


Registered Member
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
Please Help guys, my wordpress website has recently got some kind of weird malware virus thing even though I have bulletproof security plugin.

When I (and the other 20,000 People a day) go the site, they are presented with some web attack warning saying 'blackhole exploit kit website 11'.

Im going to go mad if I dont fix this, I have no idea what to do and im loosing alot of income.

Will even pay for a quick fix. Please help guys.

Nice! i was just about to get a copy of that. Damn the guy is definetely selling your traffic, or selling the bots coming from your site. Thats atleast 2-4k payloads a day, a lot of bots if you ask me.

If you need some help i can take a look at your site.
If i were you, I'd temporarily point my domain to somewhere else until i fixed this issue, because the sole purpose of blackhole exploit is to infect the visitors of your site. Right now every visitor that comes to your site gets exposed to potential viruses/worms.

If you had java plugin enabled in your browser when you opened the page, there's a good chance your PC is infected as well.
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If i were you, I'd temporarily point my domain to somewhere else until i fixed this issue, because the sole purpose of blackhole exploit is to infect the visitors of your site. Right now every visitor that comes to your site gets exposed to potential viruses/worms.

If you had java plugin enabled in your browser when you opened the page, there's a good chance your PC is infected as well.

there is a 20-30% that you are infected, so pretty much around 2-3 out of 10 visitors that go through your site will get infected.
Ahhh, I have this too, PISSING me off!!! I wonder how much it costs to buy this progrm :D
Who ever has the admin rights to the whole site, needs to track down the malicious code / script (or more an one) and remove then. It may be an ad or active link.
blackhole kits sells for over $2k a copy

but you must be having a laugh if your saying blackhole has a 30%install rate

more like 10% - 20%
check for html iframe on your blog. somebody probably infected a bunch of wp blogs at one time using some exploit. u just got caught up in it.

and your potential converts are getting the spyeye trojan right now :eek: