How to rank #1 in 2013 in TWO easy steps!


Elite Member
Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
How to rank in 2013?
Does your blueprint still work?

I got tired of answering the same question in PMs and email, so here it is.
This is not the only way but the one that will get you the most benefits
faster. I simplified and dumbed it down to two steps.

Step #1. Do this blueprint with two keywords. First is your brand name. Second is
rotated between naked link and a bunch of generic links.

Step #2. Get high PR home page links with exact match anchor text.

Step #3. Get tons and tons of social signals?... Hahaha :) Just kidding. There's no
step #3.

That's it. Easy peasy.

Now go and make some cash.
Awesome. Great stuff. I am going to be using this for sure.
-REP for posting a retarded thread... You're posting a thread to promote your almost 2 year old thread, seriously...

You might as well just condense your posts to say "Secret to rankings, build high PR links" the end.

BTW: If you even think of posting a rebuttal, I'll go through your other thread piece by piece, and explain why it's an epic waste of time.
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the_demon said:
-REP for posting a retarded thread... You're posting a thread to promote your almost 2 year old thread, seriously...

You might as well just condense your posts to say "Secret to rankings, build high PR links" the end.

BTW: If you even think of posting a rebuttal, I'll go through your other thread piece by piece, and explain why it's an epic waste of time.

-REP, returning the favour.

Best in arsehat SEO.
Message from the -rep I gaved you

"You are only trying to get views for this thread according to the title of it. Then to promote your own blueprint thread. Also, you try to earn some clients with your signature. Next time post something better."

and as an addition to it: Don't insult BHW with these kind of marketing tactics.

Oh and, returning the -rep just for the sake of it makes you a baby but I'm more than happy to accept a negative rep from you.
Message from the -rep I gaved you

"You are only trying to get views for this thread according to the title of it. Then to promote your own blueprint thread. Also, you try to earn some clients with your signature. Next time post something better."

and as an addition to it: Don't insult BHW with these kind of marketing tactics.

Oh and, returning the -rep just for the sake of it makes you a baby but I'm more than happy to accept a negative rep from you.

-Rep, returning the favour.

Mr. fake SEO blueprint.
I'm not really sure why you choosed to built a lot of simmilar anchor texts at once and then studently changing the campaign to another group of simmilar keywords,but maybe you can clear things out :)

In my opinion it would be a more natural approach to spread out the anchor texts in the right manner from the start,like
40% Naked url
30% Brand Keywords
10% Long Tail's of the main keywords
7% Main Keywords
5% Secondary Keywords
8% Random Anchor Texts like: Click here,about us,read more etc.)

Beside the natural and safe look that your Link Profile is going to have,you'll also rank your keywords much faster.

Nah, it's just 1 step to rank.

1- Build backlinks and put good content.
@ acotut: I can say with certainty there are ways to get away with absurd anchor text ratios, but it's very tricky and difficult to pull off without penalty (at least for the long term).

I do agree with your post though, I think you're plan for anchor diversity is a lot smarter than the the basic alternation as recommended by OP. While my personal ratios I would use are a tad different, I think for most BHW users your guidelines are reasonable to follow.

I also agree with you that a progressive anchor text switch versus sudden is a good idea. Rapid anchor text switching can lead to your site being flagged for penalty, especially if you just stop building all together for previous keywords.


- Some social signals have been shown to be beneficial in my experience such as authentic tweets. However, I've found things like artificial Google+ votes to be negative.

- I also disagree with OPs statement about using exact anchor text 100% of the time. While it is critical to use exact anchor text a decent amount of time, it's just as important to account for natural human variation such as the occasional typo, (LSI / long tail) or partial matches within phrases.

- Even Matt Cutts would tell you exact anchor all the time is dumb because it's not natural. People don't generally link with exact text to begin with, they tend to link phrases or snippets of test.

NOT Natural --> (link)Buy Used Cars(/link)

Natural --> "I hate how some car dealers are so shady, so that's why (link)I bought my used car from Joe's Automall(/link) I'd highly recommend them." To read more on my blog about used cars sales men and their sneaky tricks, (link)click here(/link).

* In above example, "click here" would go to that persons home page or a related page, and the keyword rich phrase "I bought my used car from Joe's Automall" would be going to your site.

A lot of people also neglect to think about surrounding text, Google often uses that for generating long tails and giving you traffic for terms mentioned on that particular page. So keep that in mind.
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Well, this is pretty fun to watch :-) should we start betting!

I mean come on guyz you are one of the most reputable here. what did you leave for noobs! you should be an example

kimi & the_demon: yes, cash202 is promoting his older thread but it's still going strong in bh seo section.
- He also didn't break any rules
- I think he would have acted nicely if this has gone like a note through private messege instead of public insulting
- lets face it, there is way hundreds of threads more useless than this one

Cash202: yup, it's pretty obvious that this article was solely for promoting old thread as it doesn't add any real value. you could just bump your older thread
- There is no cut ways, you need to evolve instead of just relying on the same method. even if it still work it has already took it's success.
- Don't ever put your reputation on a risk. Once you lose it, you can hever get it back. And it worths more than all the money in the world

I hope I don't sound like dr phil :-(
just think about it for a moment, you are proffessional guyz and I belive a lot of beginers here see each one of you as an example, what a disappointment for them :-(
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No (+)(-)Rep for being sane.

In business always get even with people. If they screw you screw them back ten times harder.
Donald Trump

Look, cash202

a. Your Donald Trump phrase doesn't exactly make you sound like a good guy here.
b. I wasn't trying to be a dick, just to be a dick. I didn't -REP you just for fun. I did it as a "hey, treat the community with some respect." I don't shit on threads or call members out for no reason. I only do so when I feel a member is negatively impacting the community.

FACT: A great "my new 2013 breaking new seo method" kind of thread that links back to a 2011 thread isn't exactly impressing anyone. Also, a lot has happened in the last 2 years, if you want to create an actually useful thread that talks about the changes in SEO from 2011 to 2013 and perhaps make a revised version of your thread I'm happy to give you +REP for that to.

Unlike you, I give REP or take REP based on who deserves it. Not just to be an asshole and call someone names for no reason.


@acotut: (re: your rep comment to me) I agree with you 100% buddy. There's certainly more to SEO than anchor text, I'm just busy as hell today didn't have the time to do a long drawn out thread. I think we're on the same page though. :) cheers! :)
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KHer0 said:
Cash202: yup, it's pretty obvious that this article was solely for promoting old thread as it doesn't add any real value. you could just bump your older thread

I don't need to bump this thread nor I need to promote it. I don't care. No one pays me
to teach people on BHW. My sales thread here generate very small percentage of
overall SEO services sales. It was the gift to the community from the day one. Too bad
many people don't value gifts.

KHer0 said:
There is no cut ways, you need to evolve instead of just relying on the same method. even if it still work it has already took it's success.

Read all 52 thread pages, this is 500+ of printed text. You'll find all the evolution you seek.

KHer0 said:
Don't ever put your reputation on a risk. Once you lose it, you can hever get it back. And it worths more than all the money in the world

The thing is, reputation numbers on some forum online means nothing to me. I don't care
what other people think. -Reps were because of the quote above.