How to properly use a proxy for Facebook?


Oct 5, 2016
Reaction score
Hello guys,

I'm pretty new on the forum and in Internet Marketing world, so I need some advises from the pros.

I got two Facebook accounts and two Private proxies which I'm planning to use for posting a links from my blog into niche related Facebook groups.

My question is, which is the best way to do that? I no nothing about proxy desktop apps, browser extensions, etc.. etc..

Thanks in advance.
Taking such action is best carried out using dedicated to this program such as: BuzzBundle (you can use the free version -
In your case, if you only have two accounts and want to use them at the same time using two proxy (one proxy assigned to one account), you can use two browser eg. Firefox and Chrome, not to switch between proxy and accounts each time for one browser.

Connecting proxy in FF or Chrome is very easy:
Taking such action is best carried out using dedicated to this program such as: BuzzBundle (you can use the free version - [not allowed to post urls]).
In your case, if you only have two accounts and want to use them at the same time using two proxy (one proxy assigned to one account), you can use two browser eg. Firefox and Chrome, not to switch between proxy and accounts each time for one browser.

Connecting proxy in FF or Chrome is very easy: [not allowed to post urls]

Thanks for your reply. In meanwhile, I've found this app: multiloginapp
I'm not sure how legit is, but it seems like working pretty well. It allows me to start two sessions with whatever browser and it seems like the sessions go through their server.
The free plan allows up to 10 browser configurations (session) which is enough for me.

Again, I'm not sure how legit this is, so please share any thoughts before it's too late.

Thanks in advance.
Multiloginapp - It is also a very good choice. Much more practical than the two separate browsers and free plan covers your needs.
Go ahead and use it.