How to monetize large telegram groups


Regular Member
May 3, 2021
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Hey guys, I have organic grown telegram groups with around 50k each.
Some people have asked me for Ads but I do not know what to charge.
For example, a pinned message in a group chat. Or a post in a channel.
Also, I want more people to come to me for advertising. How can I do this?
depends if you are into bsc tokens (binance casino as i like to call it) or like real crytpo lol...if in bsc, go into new tokens, and offer, they wont come to you. A lot of new token owners will pay anything to become the next Doge which will never be. I think somewhere around 0.5 BNb ($150 ish) is a fair price for advertising on pin messages. I don't know the prices, I don't think any of that is worth it since most people have not real members or people will just not check your telegram, making awful amount of conversions, but as I said, new people will buy almost anything if they think it will increase members. Check for new tokens on CMS if you are on BSC.

If you get no buys, try lowering to $100 or $50 :P idk...maybe even $50 if you get enough people can be good if odne every day.
Hey guys, I have organic grown telegram groups with around 50k each.
Some people have asked me for Ads but I do not know what to charge.
For example, a pinned message in a group chat. Or a post in a channel.
Also, I want more people to come to me for advertising. How can I do this?
Start the both variants
Go into other crypto channels and say "May I please speak with the manager in charge of marketing?" Then just say "Hello, I have a channel with 50k organic members interested in crypto, and I am offering the opportunity to advertise in a pinned message for $X. If you are interested, just let me know. Just wanted to present the opportunity to you in case this was something you were searching for. Thank you!"