I feel like an idiot I thought I was in the home page of the BHW forum not the Instagram forum where I told you to look for answers DUH! So let me adjust my post.
Market Amazon Family / Mom products 20% discount on diaper subscriptions. Prime Pantry savings on everyday items so they don't have to leave the house, anything you can squeeze in a box for 5.99. Don't forget moms run the household so you really are marketing to families through moms they want product reviews, household goods, weight loss products. Read this forum posts your answer could be in here, SoulCollector had good ideas, not sure what famebit put I'm going to check it out. EDIT I did check it out through the link Onelettershor gave looks very interesting.
In addition try to get their emails get a baby type PLR report give it away in exchange for emails, you may want to use other mom related plr reports too. CPA offers look through your list of followers there is bound to be a marketer in there somewhere I have one in mine she sells detox tea. Another fella sells his product for a penny then 9.95 for shipping
Good luck with your efforts sure many would love to have 12k followers