how to make money from porn ?

you need atleast a free blog , twitter / instagram accounts .

Place that blog link into your profile url of account

start posting over your account , use #tags , tag big accounts , follow/unfollow .

redirect blogpost url to your offer.
you can make money from porn by using reuploading can use Twitter,Reddit,Tumbler for driving traffic on your porn website.
Instagram and Twitter are one of the best options: zero investments, only the time and efforts you put into it
well no website, no investment. why dont you just do porn and upload :)?
there are many ways for making money with porn , you can try reuploading method , you can use CPA , you can make a website.
I was just about to post my Adult Site Earning Method/Guide... :D
I will link you my good sir (OP)
lie down, close your eyes and think of something happy...and let them do whatever they want
One of the easiest ways is to create a fake girl Snapchat account, and post your username on every single Snapchat usernames website (just google Snapchat usernames and you'll see a lot of websites & forums that allow you to submit your username) grow that Snapchat as much as you can (post more than once daily to get a bunch of follows), once you have around 1k+ followers, post naked photos of a particular girl to your stories with a link to an offer, you can create a free landing page at InstaPage, attach your LP url (use their free sub domain) and make sure you post like 4-6 pics every single day on your story, but the main thing here is traffic, you need lots of it and fresh traffic to keep the money flowing, other than that, it's all pretty much automated mate
Film youself may be and upload on pornhub

your money making method ?

Hey Kim Jong Un, how are you? Never tbought you are around bhw. Hahaha
Without website, hard. You at least need a domain - you can then put a URL frame to your cam site affiliate link on it and spam the link around. Easiest way I know.