How to google-sandbox a competitor?


Oct 31, 2009
Reaction score
Hey all,

I have a niche webpage ranked on second place in google. The number one is a big pain in the ass with PR2. The question is: is there a way to sandbox the competitor? I am thinking about dumping his url to linkfarms or something..

any ideas?
Just use that new linkbuilding program. Build all 8000 links in like an hour.

Of course there's always the chance that could just make things better for him and increase PR.
yeah, that's what I am afraid of. Isn't there a way where you could say: This will sandbox you a$$ for sure?
maybe u should worry about building your site and working on it instead of feeding rage and trying to destory his and urs in the process...
Build up your own links and make your site even better.
As long as your site is within the top 5 spots you will get as many clicks as being no.1 anyway.
Post more quality content, this will give your site some longevity and more google juice. This will also help you to be able to monetize better.

If you can't get your site to rank better than PR2 site legitimately....

Check out a program like Market Samurai and you will be able to see your competitors backlinks, check their keyword spread, build a linkwheel - slowly, etc.
Just by doing some decent SEO you should be able to outrank them easily
no, there is no method, notice how no one is selling services to knock competitors off, only to boost your own site?
yeah dude this is not cool, you should worry about your own site. How would you like it if he got you sand-boxed?
Yup, this is not cool at all, you should just concentrate on building
up your own site. Unless you have a network of adult sites and
looking at pissing people off... no, its not going to work with the
usual sites.

I have 2 sites that got knocked off the charts by competitors posting
adults links to them. Not a good thing to do going through these
underhand methods.
it can be done. but for old sites you need to be carefull as they might come back stronger than before :p
If his site is less than 6 months old, you can land him in the 'box by building upwards of 1000 links to his site in 1 month. however, the strategy is badly flawed. He will come out of the sandbox stronger than ever after 3 months.

If you want to stick with your plan, please, head over to my niche and do it on my sites. It'll save me hours of linkbuilding work.
Like most of the rest say, dont go this way dude.

First of all, you may be able to do it to a PR2 site, but further down your road as a IM you will face some sites you just cant get sandboxed or whatever.

2nd. Ain't it better to beat them "fair" instead of resorting to methods like this.

3rd. There is a big possibility that they will come back 3-6 months later even stronger, sinse there have been alot of reports about this, though i have never seen it myself.

What you need to do is just to check that your onsite SEO is almost 100% and then start doing backlinks.
I do around 10 a day, mixed with high pr, edu & some less important one, i try to get as many as possible while trying to get around 1/3 of the edu/high pr backlinks.

Also like mentioned above, start to build a linkwheel, if you dont know how go search here on BHW, or go buy a service for it, i think there is one here for about $50.

And most important of all, 5 post and you ask how to destroy your competion, instead of asking how to beat them.

Hope this helps abit :)
linkbacks from shady neighborhoods online would do the trick.
I guess people like you would feel even very proud of their "accomplishment" if they could destroy someones hard and smart work doing what you were asking for. If you are too lazy or not smart enough to outrank a competitor look for easier keywords instead of applying dirty tricks.
Doing a sabotage on your competitor is not cool at all. You will eventually be helping him out in the end. Instead focus on your efforts from sabotaging your comp. to build links to your own site. Much better and fair play. This might be bhw but bhw has much more honor than what you have in mind kid.
If you are in 2nd place, i am sure you are also getting same traffic as number 1 is getting. 1, 2 and 3 position is quite similar in traffic matter. Why you are concern about to get 1st rank.
Lighten up guys, I am sure most of you would be doing this if this kind of tactic was effective*, which it is not otherwise SEO would be purely focused on attacking the competition.

* or perhaps I would just do it because I have very few morals, not screwing people over isn't one of them.