how to get many facebook friends

Visit many peoples profile and click on the 'add friend' button
Female account -> Join add me groups

Though the quality of that traffic will be really poor.
Use sexy girl picture and start adding some random people.
hotgirl > join some groups where too many guys who want to see hot girl ass
you will get many incoming request

be ready to see different type of dick from different country.
create a good looking female account and start adding new friends then invite them into your group
Or. You can add a few people at first (random ones) and then just add every single suggestion.

Or. You can join a group related to your niche and add everybody. Then reach out to them and offer the product. If that's the case.

I used to do this back in the days when I was re-selling a theme for website design until the developers of the theme reached out to me, saying that if I don't respond with a list of people who I've sold the theme to, they will sue me. Plus, I received a warning from Facebook itself.

Writing from jail, btw.
be indian.
be girl.

or do an spicy move. be an indian girl.
If you want more and more friend then you have to open a girl FB account. You will get friend request autometicly otherways you have to open humn's profile and have to send friend request.
Its very simple. Follow the below steps

1. Open FB account in Girl name
2. Put a Girls Picture as DP
3. Add few guys

Atlast you'll find huge member of people in your contact.