How to get first seo job w/out any experience???


Oct 19, 2009
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I have been studying seo for years, I have a thorough understanding of on page and off page optimization. I just dont have any real professional work experience, other than my simple websites that I built for myself.

How does one go about getting a job at this? I am sure that there are people that had far less skills than I that have gotten into this business and made a career out of it. Where do I start?

Every seo business that I talk to wants a resume with experience. I am sure that I know enough to get a job doing it. Getting a job doing it seems like the only way for me to take it to the next level, especially since I dont even have any websites to work with at the moment.

How should I go about pitching myself to seo companies as an apprentice seo expert? What kind of work would be available to someone with no experience?

Should I offer companies free "intern" work to get experience?

I would like to hear stories about your success and struggles within this field, maybe a little direction on what I need to do to get my foot in the door.

You can take some jobs like ******** blog commenting or social bookmark. I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who need it. After you gain enough experience, you can also learn some new things about link building
Just go to local businesses and ask them if they want to rank higher in google, if they do, tell them that you are a SEO expert, ask them for their url and keywords they want to target and tell them you will give them a quote.

Check out their site and keywords and quote them based on how much work you think it would take to rank them.

Most business owners have no idea about SEO.
I am not a SEO Expert but if I were you, I would do these:

  1. Build an official site where from my customers can order
  2. Find some of custoners either near by my locale or via trade forums (like v7n, DP, BHW, etc)
  3. Get testimonials from them and use it in my official site
  4. Do the SEO for your own official site and let it rank #1 for the keyword Best SEO Service or No. 1 SEO Services or Cheap SEO Services, etc.
  5. Finally, give some "offers" (not necessarily free though)
i was an IT recruiter once. i'll tell you the truth about getting IT jobs.

a resume only sells you on an interview
an interview sells you on a job

resumes typically contain some bull(*^t,some more then others ie. your portfolio of jobs/contracts may have work of your fellow geek friends etc. always remember that you are as smart as your resources. if you are a resourceful type of person then boast about your abilities in an interview.

there are a finite number of interview rejections before you land your target position. keep trying and do not ever fear failure. look forward to it! you'll be surprised what will happen when your attitude is in check. my 2cents
I would consider working for some of the people here and not just offering you services but asking for a letter or recomendation when you done. do some freelance work saying that you need the experience work (do it for a charity looks good on you resume cause you show that you are not selfish and like to help other people a team player)

I work in a small town in mexico as a bartender ( previously work for some of the finest bars in Burbank CA and some of the best casinos in vegas) yea you might think not a big deal but when this bars are located in front of studios like paramount CBS, Disney and others you are the shit, got to mexico and every one was who the f is paramount so i was like 5hit got to start from scratch worked for six months free no salary just tips and trust me this fuck...ers do not tip finally got my letter, then I when over to a resort in Cancun got a salary and good tips, if you ask why im here in the forum cause I want more freedom, and yes is nice to have all the European girls topples asking me for drinks is a tough job but some has to do it.

Ps age has nothing to do with it cause Im almost 40

good luck

I'd start by getting a better nickname ;) (honestly)
I would go to Internet forums such as h**p:// and listen what the peoples need and ask for, SEO-wise. Then help with advice, for free. You might faster have a paid follow-up SEO job than you think because many peoples listen to your advice but still don't have a clue how to implement that and want someone (YOU) to get it done...because they feel that you have proved that you understand what you are talking about. Professional communication is the key here.
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Build your own company and be a business owner for experience.

Get a portfollio on your business website. Your sites and customers would be legitimate experience.
Isn't the whole point of this interwebs stuff that you don't have to get a job? :)
I was able to get my first SEO job on Scriptlance. While I didn't have any ACTUAL experience at the time, I had read a lot here and knew the concepts. So I hyped what I could offer, then I delivered. And... since I wanted it to be great, I took some of my salary and hired an outsourcer. The outsourcer was in addition to my own efforts.

Bottom line, I still have that first client and outsourcer today.
make a killer site..... get all the lingo down..... target a specific industry, study that industry, get all the TOP keywords that will bring them the most traffic in, make fancy reports, go to Kinkos and spend a few bucks on a folder and nice paper..... walk into those businesses, have a GOOGLE pamphlet with you, and WORK IT man WORK IT!!!

I make it hard to get, if they dont want to, i tell them not a problem, but would be intrested after i show you how your competition next door is on top?


Play mind games, go in prepared!

MUCH LUCk!! Dont be afraid!
Isn't the whole point of this interwebs stuff that you don't have to get a job? :)

Thats right! LOL

But seriously, if you want to play with the big dogs you MUST go get your bachelors in business marketing or something and work in the corporate world. 5 years of being their bottom btch will get you a job in SEO with experience. Unless you get work as a contractor corp 2 corp with a degree/ cert. and experience.
how do you even know what you're doing if you don't have any experience?
I would just say hey look at these keyword I rank #1 for them....even though they arent your sites....I got away with that plenty of times
I agree with vegasvillan to some degree but make your OWN site(s) site that ranks well with important keywords by being in the top 10 of Goggle, and make a screen shot of them. Many years ago I was with one of my sites with over 50 totally different keywords in the top 10 of Google, MSN and some in Yahoo..and are still with some of them. Even a CEO from a very big U.S. Software house was impressed. Since it takes now much longer to rank well, start this project even if you do something else to get a SEO job. It never hurts to have something ready to show for your potential clients later on. - Recommendation # 2 :)
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Fake It Until You Make It....Here try this..Rank a site that belongs to you. Rank the site long tailed like MAKE MONEY IN DICKSON OHIO. Then once the site is ranked #1 you simply go to google type the whole fraze into the search bar..When you pop up #1 Simply take IN DICKSON OHIO out of the search bar and take a screen shot. Toss a few of those into your portfolio and tell the potential customer that you held the site in #1 for an old customer for over a year..This way you don't look like a dumb ass if he checks into it.
If you fake the rankings, you may get the job, but you may loose it quickly if you can't deliver. Yes, this is BHW and I'm not a saint, but I would think real performance would show up in your work performance and self-esteem and would thus better secure your job in the long run. After all, you HAVE to show real rankings earlier or later to your boss or customer.
hey man, I had been searching for similar types of jobs (though more design related) recently but gave up to get more into internet marketing... now that I've begun thinking in this way, especially thinking automation, automation for everything I've come up with some ideas for how to land a job... just use blackhat techniques to harvest email addresses from job listings and mass mail your resume to people, even mail it to people in other areas and see if you can get remotely based contract work.. also use your seo skills to... guess what.. point people back to your own website / web based resume, once again, don't hesitate to use bh methods..

also use automation if you can to mass market on business networking forums liked linkedin, etc, I dont know how much you are into this type of automated thing but it can work if you know how to do it