How to get back on eBay??


Registered Member
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there, 1 year ago I am banned by eBay because of selling digital products right there and ever since then I cannot buy and ell anything right there. Any one know how can i open a new account under their radar?? Because I tried to register a new acc with new laptop, new ip, new address, different paypal email and they still tracked me and said that it is realted to my old acc. Anyone successfully open a new acc???

I think you did something wrong... here's what they detect.

1. IP Address (Big time!)
2. Street Address
3. Name
4. Phone number (get one from google voice or skype and forward it)
5. Paypal account (don't use anything from your old account, nothing. Needs to be in a different name and all. They cross reference with ebay, after all it is owned by them.
6. Bank Account
7. Credit card on file

You can use the same computer, just make sure it's clean of your old ebay history. Use ccleaner. Many many people have been successful. I would be willing to bet half of ebay's users are re registered under the radar.
Thanks for the tips, i would like to try it but how can i change the name??Does it need to be match with the bank acc???
in my experience, my name didnt need to match the bank account. there's not really a way to check names on bank accounts. i even use the same bs name for the credit card on file. just make sure when you send your documents into paypal/ebay (utility bills, drivers license) they're doctored to the name/address you used.
why would you have to send in your utility bills or drivers license?

in my experience, my name didnt need to match the bank account. there's not really a way to check names on bank accounts. i even use the same bs name for the credit card on file. just make sure when you send your documents into paypal/ebay (utility bills, drivers license) they're doctored to the name/address you used.
do a craigslist search in your area for ebay and somtimes you will come up with services that will list your things on their accounts and do everything for you for usually about 10%, so if your making a nice profit off the products your selling this could not only be a good way to get back on ebay but make things easier and more automated on you. Make sure it's someone from your area though and meet them in person and probably should have some kind of contract to insure your not just giving your products away
there's guys in here selling new setup verified ebay and paypal accounts together with IP proxy for your listing pleasure....PM me... or just FIND a seller who knows what they're doing ;)