How to embed a picasa video?


Feb 24, 2015
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I've been trying for hours to embed my video from picasa so I can get it with the youtube player (Like kissanime)

I've figured out how to get the direct link to the video (play it with your browser player) but I want it with the youtube player, If you haven't understand please take a look at one of kissanime videos

UPDATE: Problem solved
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I have used the Picasa web album slide show program to create slide shows on websites
From looking at your source code you have a program running called tools for noobs which if I understand it calls an RSS feed from Picasa. I think that is your problem.

Comment all of that out, then insert the code that picasa gives you to embed a slide show option on the website which is located right side of screen when your slideshow web album is open. You need to select autoplay and the appropriate size and copy the embed code to your page. The result is that your slide show will play when your page is accessed.....however if someone clicks on the picture itself they are still redirected to picasa
I'm trying to embed a picasa video not a pictureI get what you're trying to say but this is not the way I meant, go to kissanime (google it) click the first link it's a pretty popular website then just watch any video
After trying several times I found out that the problem is from the link ( I believe it's too long )
Here's how I get a direct link from picasa > I go to one of my videos > Right click > View page source > find the link that starts with redirectorDOTgooglevideo....
It's a really long link but it works when I put it on my browser, but when I put it in any video player it doesn't work at all

If anyone knows the correct way to get the video link from picasa please tell me, it's really important to me.

UPDATE: Problem solved
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Can you tell me how you solved you're problem ? I am also trying to embed picasa video's liks Kissanime.


Can you tell me how you solved you're problem ? I am also trying to embed picasa video's liks Kissanime.



Are you still looking for ways to embed picasa?
there is a website that will give you embed code for picasa an other host
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Hi there, am in same trouble!
Doing research 5 hours per day almost a week, but nothing particular about this case, starting to be my nightmare mystery...

Check this:
By inspecting some website like kissanime I've found one that got the right URL for the video.
Example of video.
This one (THE right URL I need): h-t-t-p-s: //lh3 [dot] googleusercontent. com/mU1n-bGv_OpLYOKdGa70NRJUrdLB1-qe6gUY0iNweQ=m18
And now the same site got that covered also.
Gives this url of the video: h-t-t-p-s:// redirector[dot]googlevideo[dot]com/videoplayback?requiressl=yes&id=cf5e9529492fa23a&i tag=18&source=picasa&cmo=secure_transport=yes&ip=0 .0.0.0&ipbits=0&expire=1438675745&sparams=requires sl,id,itag,source,ip,ipbits, expire&signature= 10A966A2410A09F04020CDAF0BD14DC3510FA80B. AB6EB3364FBB6298443CA1A9FCA19100BCEE00DB&key=lh1
...which expires after some time.

Both urls give the video for watching, (h-t-t-p-s: //r2---sn-vuxbavcx-n3bl [dot]googlevideo[dot]com/videoplayback ) different url for each IP tries to watch it.

The question is how do I get the 1st URL (this one: h-t-t-p-s: //lh3[dot]googleusercontent[dot]com /mU1n-bGv_OpLYOKdGa70NRJUrdLB1-qe6gUY0iNweQ=m18)
It's more than a clear that's Picasa album, but how they got that address, so my video will never expire or so.

I need HELP!
Are you still looking for ways to embed picasa?
there is a website that will give you embed code for picasa an other host

Sorry for bumping a old topic but I'm also looking for the solution. Can you tell me the site that gives embed code for picasa?