How to Bookmark many links with BMD?


Power Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
What settings are you guys using on bmd for bookmarking huge number of links.
So If I want to bookmark let`s say 1000 links how should I proceed?
Your question is not very clear. Do you want to bookmark a link to many sites or do you want to bookmark many links to the default sites in BMD..They are completely different things...

Either way, it would be difficult for someone to give you a crash course at the level you want. Watch some YouTube videos and read some tutorials and then ask for specific questions.
well like I said.
I have 1000 links, and I want to bookmark them all. The problem is BMD will try to bookmark each of these 1000 links to all the bookmarking sites.
So I want to bookmark 1 link from those 1000 only to 10 bookmarking sites , and then the next link to 10 bookmarking sites ... and so on.

These numbers are only informative.
I hope now it`s more clearly what I want.
I have 2k bookmarking sites in my list
Can you use the randomisation option, so you will look more natural and and you can pick how many links per site you would like to bookmark. For example, the default is 1 to 3 links per site.