How much money you're making with PINTEREST ?

0$, I don't even know what it is :s I've never made any money and I'm never going to make any money :(
I wonder how people don't make money.. A friend of mine worked just for a week and its been more than 40 days. He's getting 1k visitors everyday and making 15-20$ on auto-pilot.

For the OP, I am making 150-200$ Per day...
I wonder how people don't make money.. A friend of mine worked just for a week and its been more than 40 days. He's getting 1k visitors everyday and making 15-20$ on auto-pilot.

For the OP, I am making 150-200$ Per day...

What's your method ? :D
No one is going to share the methods or their income.. one thing can be said for sure.. you can get truckloads of traffic from pinterest but how you monetize matters, I know guys who get 3k UVs everyday but unable to make $5 out of that traffic
True!! Very True

No one is going to share the methods or their income.. one thing can be said for sure.. you can get truckloads of traffic from pinterest but how you monetize matters, I know guys who get 3k UVs everyday but unable to make $5 out of that traffic
I wonder how people don't make money.. A friend of mine worked just for a week and its been more than 40 days. He's getting 1k visitors everyday and making 15-20$ on auto-pilot.

For the OP, I am making 150-200$ Per day...

selling what??????
IS it still worth to start doing something with pinterest? Isn't it too late to start now?
I have new tech - news blog, average 100 -250 daily traffic from pinterest for last two weeks, we don't do extra work just pin our articles, reddit, and pintrest are the least valuable traffic for adsense, but help to increase traffic...:(
About how many mgid pics do you post on Pinterest per day to make what you're making? Seems like it would have to be alot. But this sounds pretty cool.

Mgid pics are not on pinterest but on the sites directly

IS it still worth to start doing something with pinterest? Isn't it too late to start now?

Not late. But hope to wont miss it

Not sure, but my goal is $5k/month . Got the methods and tools in place; about to rape it 24/7.

Possible, BTW you can thank me :D

I have new tech - news blog, average 100 -250 daily traffic from pinterest for last two weeks, we don't do extra work just pin our articles, reddit, and pintrest are the least valuable traffic for adsense, but help to increase traffic...:(

Tech won;t work. I beleive if you put same efforts in some women based niche. You wont need reddit or anything else. only pinterest can get you easy 2k visits per day