How much is a 70,000 like facebook page worth?

Alacrity Digital

Regular Member
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
I have the opportunity to purchase a 70k facebook page in the fitness niche. It's all legitimate but it hasnt been updated or used in 11 months, but most of its past images have between 100-200 likes and many shares.

I know it's a difficult question to answer, but would anyone know a rough idea about how much it's worth? Trying to see if it's worth pursuing.
Where is the users comming from?
Are the users active?
70 000 followers and a 100-200 likes? That's a tad low, though it could be just that the original owner had no idea how to engage people with posts. That said, either there's plenty of fake likers on that page or the owner doesn't really know what they're doing.

I'm noit going to start guessing about the value of the page, but I'll say that you need to drive a hard bargain since the current owner left it "to die" by not posting anything in 11 months.

Offer him 50$ for it and see if he bites.
Well it also depend on how much likes it get on its posts and comments also how people interact with the page and either the complete 70k likes are real or not
It depends on your niche and the country where likes come from!