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How Much Do You Make On eBay?


Registered Member
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
Just wondering?
And please tell if your legit or blackhat style ;)
Legit I make about $800 a month profit

Blackhat I make about $600-700 a month profit.
I used to sell on eBay..but competition is way too high so no longer do that

around $500/mo till jun 2011 (
The final value fees suck so not that much of a profit. But I only sell my old stuff on there haha
I'm a former ebay seller. Like many the FVf and the fact that ebay will almost always side with the buyer, caused me to leave it. i was making about $5000 a month.
Posts like this always baffle me. How will knowing what someone else makes, help you?

Black hat, you can make $5,000k + what that comes a lot of hassle and headache. Of course you can make more, but your exposure and risk increases exponentially.

Doing things Right you can make $15,000 + with that comes less hassle and headache, and more strategy and logistics. This is pretty scaleable, as there is always new product lines to get into.

I make a lot of money on ebay, 100% legit.

In regards to the FVF , you need to factor in that variable expense when sourcing products. My rule of thumb is simple, if my margins are so tight that I'm worried about paypal fees and ebay fees then it's not worth selling that item. There are plenty of items with healthy margins out there.
Posts like this always baffle me. How will knowing what someone else makes, help you?

Black hat, you can make $5,000k + what that comes a lot of hassle and headache. Of course you can make more, but your exposure and risk increases exponentially.

Doing things Right you can make $15,000 + with that comes less hassle and headache, and more strategy and logistics. This is pretty scaleable, as there is always new product lines to get into.

I make a lot of money on ebay, 100% legit.

In regards to the FVF , you need to factor in that variable expense when sourcing products. My rule of thumb is simple, if my margins are so tight that I'm worried about paypal fees and ebay fees then it's not worth selling that item. There are plenty of items with healthy margins out there.
hitch, care explaining your method a bit ?
maybe giving some guidelines
Posts like this always baffle me. How will knowing what someone else makes, help you?

A lot of times, people use these post to feel the waters..
how much do you make with ebay?
if most people say couple of grand... and OP is making $10,000 a week..

then he needs to pull back on his method or risk getting busted.

if people say $50k a month.... then he will feel better making 10k a week...

so... like I said... people ask for a reason... and not just being nosy.
makes sense...BH ebay is just too dangerous and you cannot scale it..so what's the point?

Doing things Right you can make $15,000 + with that comes less hassle and headache, and more strategy and logis
tics. This is pretty scaleable, as there is always new product lines to get into.
hitch, care explaining your method a bit ?
maybe giving some guidelines

Read my post in the ebay thread titled.. everything you need to know to go legit on ebay.

That's pretty much my method.
Just wondering what other people who do blackhat eBaying are making. I plan to dropship, never handle anything and only make around $160-240 a week.
I started dropshipping a year back was making 5-8$ a day lol
I've been making about $200 per month profit w/ 100% legit merchandise, but I'm considering dropshipping or reselling Fiverr gigs.
i sell VCC to an Ebay top Seller and i make 500$/Month Profit :p

Dnt Know hw mch he makes :)
0,I've got banned third days since my first auction was placed.I was stupid and made the auctions in wrong sections and made a lot of them,that it even looked like spam.What do you think,is there any chance to get unbanned?I haven't got fully banned but i got restricted from selling idefinitely.
Ebay fees and Paypal fees take a large chunk of out of you money especially if your margins are small