how many visits should a site get for 3rd place?


Registered Member
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
Hey my fellow IM's i was wondering how many views should a site get for third place?:rolleyes:

I am curently getting less than 20 daily. (Not Gooood) :(

"My keyword" (with quotes) in google shows About 2,850,000 results

My keyword (without quotes)About 1,740,000 results

I mean is this normal???? getting less than 20 views when theres so many searchers?

Maybe i did something wrong that users cant acces my site?

Thanks everyone, any help or info will be highly appreciated. :)
What does Google Adwords Keyword tool say about the global monthly searches for that keyword on the exact match type?
You can't calculate like that, you need to know the global and local monthly searches.
In my experience, I had a website ranked #3 on 4.300.000 results and got only 5-10 visits per day because local monthly searches was 780...

You can't use this method. you have to see the monthly search in some tool
I agree with the guys above need to check the local monthly searches.

Also depending what your keyword is and what the two site above you are. If the two sites above you are major authority sites, people may not feel the need to click on your site.

Also is you site meta description engaging and showing properly on the search page? Perhaps this is a reason for people not clicking?

Just a couple of thoughts.
There may be 3 billion results for: Blue Donkey Grapes
And I could be ranking 1st, doesn't mean ANYONE will actually use that search term.
Yes it comes out to a bunch of different calculations to figure out how much traffic you should be getting and that isn't a guarantee ether. Currently I am working on a site which is a month old and have only had 17 organic visitors to the site and only 1 of them was my targeted keyword... the others where from other articles I wrote. You may need to focus on more articles with more searches to get some real good traffic. At least you know the traffic from Google you are receiving is targeted.