How many links in a single comment?


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
I'm wondering if there's an ideal number of links to drop in each comment that you make. I see some people linking and there are probably 50 links in their comment and others that contain 1 or 2. Is there a sweet spot that should be targeted? Assume that the places where I'm dropping aren't moderated so I don't have to try to sneak them in.

Blog Comment spamming? I Use none. Makes comments look spammy. I get my backlinks from the http editbox option.
Yeah, that's what I do for blogs, but these aren't blogs and there's not other option for dropping a link other than in the comment itself.
article comment spam? anyways I think one is all you should use anything else is a red flag
The antispam programs that are used with blogs(ex Akismet) get triggered on 2 or more links per comment. So I would recommend only 1 link.
In addition, it is my understanding that once a blog owner(s) using akismet flags your comment as spam your ip/email is entered into the akismet database and is flagged from then forth on all akismet blogs.