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How Many frnd request on your Fb daily ?

When I used to do facebook marketing, I would send about 50-200 a day. 250 being a MAX if I had missed a day or two of adding. Oh, you also should've had this thread in the Social Networking - Facebook threads, not the member download section. I'm sure a mod will relocate it.
Real account that I use gets an average of 5 daily.

However my fake account for marketing purposes gets around 150
Nothing I m doing even status update :) and getting 130-160 daily
LOL! I add about 20-25?
Should i add more guys?
what do you think?
Real account might be a couple.
Accounts I used to have for building up friends might have got 200 per day.
mine real account gets 3-5 but my another account gets 150-200 daily..
I have 980 total requests pending in that other account(already have 4630 friends) but really I don't know when I open the requests page ,there appears an error! and also I can't get access to my groups page,i.e: facebook.com/bookmarks/groups
I do have 5-6 accounts and in each account m getting 40-50 friend request per day...
Questions is: Are there any real interactions with them ?
mine real account gets 3-5 but my another account gets 150-200 daily..
I have 980 total requests pending in that other account(already have 4630 friends) but really I don't know when I open the requests page ,there appears an error! and also I can't get access to my groups page,i.e: facebook.com/bookmarks/groups

you need to use a high powered machine, with my ones like that i use an imac with 6gb ram
For my personal account I have 5-8 per day,
and for my client's account nearly 100.