How Many Accounts Per IP/Computer


Feb 2, 2014
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How many Twitter accounts can you make per IP address?

Also is it any different for making accounts on mobile with your phone? Like are the limits any different?

What if you created accounts using 4G LTE instead of WiFi...wouldnt you be able to make unlimited since they cant really ban the whole ATT network?
My suggestion is to create and use about 1-3 account per ip. For one computer, you can create a few user account and use proxies to handle more accounts. If you have bots to handle those account, the bots will also use proxies. Handphones are considered another device like using another computer.
Limits are the same whether you are using your computer or other device.

You can only create 10 accounts per ip per day.

About the number of accounts to be used by ip, no one knows, some people use 1 to 5 accounts per ip, other use more than 100 accounts per ip.

Do trial and error till you find what works best for you. ;)
I wouldn't use more than 5 per proxy to start. That's the high end of what is generally considered relatively "safe".
I'm using 5 accounts on the same IP. Now, I probably didn't create them all using the same IP, since they were created weeks apart and I have a dynamic IP.

But 5 is sort of a rule I follow in general. Some people will say 1-3 accounts, but I say 5 is fine, and most will agree with me I believe.
How many times am I going to hear this question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????? Just use the search bar man.
Buy any good VPN service and get lots of IP address,all are in single computer.
Good Luck!!
I have managed 3,000+ accounts on a single IP when I learned how to self generate a trending topic.
For me I keep it to a 2:1 ratio. Not a fan of linking accounts and getting them all shut down in one day.
I've always found it weird how Twitter seemingly doesn't have a limit on this; it seems like it would be one of the easiest things to detect?
let's say you go to a university that has one static ip. thousands of Twitter accounts a week. What would happen if they banned all of these accounts? Think about it.
let's say you go to a university that has one static ip. thousands of Twitter accounts a week. What would happen if they banned all of these accounts? Think about it.

Doh! 'Scuse me while I show myself out. hahahaha
For an account that has any value I'd say one IP one account to play it as safe as possible. Otherwise up to 5 accounts is ok.
It depends on what your doing, if its a more of a churn and burn purpose than 5 at the most per ip, but if its all white hat you could have as many as you want.
Don't go more than 3 accounts or they will be flagged as fake.

Anyways if you clean out the proxys you don't need other computer.
To be safe you can start with 5 accounts per IP. Creating more than that could do damage if you are caught. Although I haven't found a rule yet from Twitter that says 5 is really the most number of accounts you can make. I'm using 5 and got no problem so I'm just talking from my own experience. You can try to increase the number though but that would be at your own risk. Good luck.
If you want to be safe use one account per IP, better safe than sorry right?

I never use more than 1 account per IP and have never been banned.