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How long does it take to get BST thread approved.


Oct 26, 2011
Reaction score

I have a service that I'm currently providing on warriorforum, I want to put the service on bhw aswell, I was wondering, how many days does it take to get the thread approved, I heard it takes like a month to 2 months, does it take that long ?

You don't meet BST requirements. You need 100 posts and be a Donor. There might be something else as well. Sorry!


  1. You must have 100 or more quality posts.
  2. You must have donor status.
  3. You must have been a forum member for 90 days or more.
  4. You must be free from infractions and bans.
  5. Your product/service must comply with all BHW rules, including but not limited to, no forums, no coaching, no illegal services. Check the rules before deciding on a thread.
  6. Your thread should include clear contact and refund policies.
  7. Your product and service must be of quality and priced reasonably. BHW staff will be the sole arbitors of this.
  8. You must have 10 or higher reputation.
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It can take 1 day, 4 months, or forever. There's no specific wait period. You're just gonna have to submit your sales thread and pray :)
If your thread have quality then it's approved by instantly other wise it may take long time