How long does a 400 word re-write take?

I guess I should clarify.

If I am paying for someone to rewrite articles, how many articles should they be able to do in an hour
I don't think you can estimate it disregarding the subject matter of your articles.
I gave one of my editors once a batch of very technical articles to rewrite (health topics) and it brought him to his knees - too many medical terms, had to dilute to reach 80%.
Simple, cheesy stuff can be done by cookie-cutter rewriters (synonyms, changing verbs etc). More elaborate articles, worth of your visitors' time, and spinnable articles are a different story. Being an English native is not enough - if their vocabulary is limited to "cool, bro and douche", they will struggle, get frustrated and soon quit :-)
I'm probably slow but using DNS it takes me about 15 minutes per 400 word article rewrite.
I'm probably slow but using DNS it takes me about 15 minutes per 400 word article rewrite.

If you're slow, that would mean I'm slow too.:D

I can dish out an article in about 10-15 minutes. I have two computers (a laptop and a desktop). So I have the original article up on one and type on the other. Plus, I just use the overall gist of the original articles, I rewrite to 100%.

I find it harder to do 80% +/-, too afraid of getting the ban hammer for not being original enough:cool:.
My first one of the day always takes longest. Once I get moving and grooving (I like listening to music when writing) I can knock out a 400 word article in about 10-15 minutes.

A good tip here is to pull up 2-3 articles on the same subject and pull information from all of them into your rewrite. Your article will have much more depth, and I've noticed a higher upfront payment because of it.

Face it, rewriting a 400-500 word article just won't have enough information in it.
Danny said it well. The more sources you draw from, the more depth the rewrite will have. I'm not sure what technique you use, but taking it two lines at a time and completely rewording has worked the best for me in the past.

I actually take about 30 minutes to do a complete rewrite with editing, proofing etc.

That's one reason I got into outsourcing ;)
I also print all of my out in one mass print to do for the day. Then put them in front of me while using DNS. I'm still having to make edits though because DNS doesn't like my voice. LOL But it's way better than some of the other programs. I don't have a second pc to go from but find having the original in front of me helps. If I'm pulling from like 3 of them.. i just put them all side by side.
Takes me anywhere between 20-40 minutes to re-write a quality article.:)
Quick tip from my side is to type your rewrite "keyword" into the Ezine Articles site. It will spit out the related article, but more importantly also the titles of both the 15 top and the 15 most viewed in that category.

You now have 30 articles titles, stuffed with keywords related to your rewrite. Simply print that page or keep it open if you working with two pc's. Your rewrite should not take more than 15 minutes, and will be guaranteed to be unique, because you have an "idea generator" right in front of you.

This technique will also work for writing an article completely from scratch.

Trust that you will give it a try.
A good place to search for resources is, Ezine Articles can bring up some really strange stuff. I just like to take three or four ideas from a couple of sources and then just write. Depending on the subject I average 30 - 45 minutes per article. Includes research and proofing. I like to group my articles into batches on the same topics and then make mind maps while I research. Helps a lot when writing, as I have my mind map on one side of the screen and I write on the other.
I have always done it the long way, is ok when you have plenty of time on your hands.
Used AA (A. Assistant) to pull down info from all over into one txt file. Group data into different aspects of topic keyword. Used different aspects as idea generator. Keep them open on laptop and write several unique articles on pc based on each aspect.

Doing 5-6 100% unique articles 350-700 pd. All optimized.

Was thinking about DNS. How long does it take to train it to more than 90%.

It does take 30 minutes but if you use a software it will take atleast an hour
It takes me around 10-20 mins to rewrite an article. I just copy and paste the original article into Microsoft Word and do a split screen while I rewrite the article. Sometimes it takes me about 40 mins if I haven't written on that particular topic before.
I own DNS, but don't use it. I find I can type just as fast as I can generate ideas in my head. Plus I talk to myself a lot while typing, and that makes it difficult.

I like to use Power Article Rewriter, not to re-write by synonym, but it will spark a lot of ideas on how to change around an entire paragraph.

Takes me around 15ish minutes to re-write a 500 word topic, something either that is supposed to go up on AC or something the publisher can attach their product to. Like weight-loss, pets, SEO, celebreties, things of that nature that get re-written everyday. Never did anything real technical though. The times I took a shot at those they seemed a lot more trouble and time consuming than they were worth.
I do article writing and rewriting for a living. Before it takes about an hour or so to rewrite an article. But now that I get used to the job, I can do it about 10-15minutes or so.

All I do is read the entire article and visualize or shall I say internalize the whole message of the article and then rewrite the entire article itself without looking at the original article in order to save time.

Sometimes I can memorize the words or sentences used and it usually adds up to my trick of rewriting an article in a short span of time.