How is this possible?


Junior Member
Mar 17, 2019
Reaction score
I bought a domain and hosting for my website, and I put some theme on it just to see how it works, but I never posted an article on it.

However, I got an e-mail from Wordpress that my password is changed... I went on both hosting cPanel and Wordpress and I logged in normally.

But there is one article on my website, that I never wrote. How is this possible?

I just checked my Wordpress post section and there is only 1 article posted that I mentioned before, but there are 334 different ones in the trash.
I think its hacked. Have you contacted your hosting provider?
I regestered domain and hosting on 16.09.2019.

When I check trash, the first post is modified on 01/01/1970 and after 10 posts it shows 02/01/2019. Wtf is going on here?!
It is definitely hacked.

Have you installed any nulled theme or plugin.
I forgot to quote your message so I need to do it like this @MisterXYZ

Plugins I installed:
- Akismet Anti-Spam
- Yoast SEO
- WP Notification Bars
- W3 Total Cache
- Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights

Plugins that I also have, but I can't remember installing them:
- Classic Editor
- Hello Dolly (wtf is this)
- Profile Organic Block

Theme I installed is called Dispatch by wpHoot.
Hosting I use is ShockHosting, that someone recommended on BHW.
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Are you using bought themes and plugins or nulled/cracked ones?
Hello Dolly is dummy plugin that comes with wordpress.

Nothing to worry about that.

All plugins are free ones.

So that leaves theme.

Have you bought this theme or downloaded from somewhere.
Nulled plugins often leads to risks like these. Any update?
Get yourself 2-factor authentication on your wp-admin login asap.. change all passwords, possibly even use a plugin like

Secure your site, then worry about how that happened. Because you're also only just setting the site up, consider destroying it and and starting again with security installed from the get-go. Change out plugins or the theme if they could be the culprit. 100% hacked by the sounds of it.

Can I still use this domain and hosting? I can delete the website and start it over because I never posted anything on it.

It's pretty nice domain tbh, new one.

Can I still use this domain and hosting? I can delete the website and start it over because I never posted anything on it.

It's pretty nice domain tbh, new one.

Yep domain and hosting is fine (I dont know anything about the host but if ppl recommended it here and they have high rep then its trustoworthy).

Just get rid of it and start fresh. Set up hosting again, and then make sure the first thing you do is to secure your site with good security plugins like the one posted.

I use 2FA on EVERYTHING that has any kind of importance to me - you should too. It's a gift from god. Also consider using Lastpass as a way to manage all your passwords. The real benefit is that you can create infinity super secure passwords like 2hj*fnorn08nf3fn3f8n23fr328n!@ and use them only once for each site without having to write them down.. this is a big deal because with 2FA and a password like ^^^^ this you are about as secure as you can get without dipping into more advanced (see expensive) security measures.
Yep domain and hosting is fine (I dont know anything about the host but if ppl recommended it here and they have high rep then its trustoworthy).

Just get rid of it and start fresh. Set up hosting again, and then make sure the first thing you do is to secure your site with good security plugins like the one posted.

I use 2FA on EVERYTHING that has any kind of importance to me - you should too. It's a gift from god. Also consider using Lastpass as a way to manage all your passwords. The real benefit is that you can create infinity super secure passwords like 2hj*fnorn08nf3fn3f8n23fr328n!@ and use them only once for each site without having to write them down.. this is a big deal because with 2FA and a password like ^^^^ this you are about as secure as you can get without dipping into more advanced (see expensive) security measures.

Thank you very much for your help.