How I increased Video Views


Dec 10, 2011
Reaction score
Ok so trying to get something constructive going in this section, been looking into several ways of increasing views and found a method that works although its probably nothing groundbreaking and would need a cheaper traffic source to be viable but maybe others can chime in with cheap traffic sources?

Step 1: Opened an account at (cheap porn traffic)
Step 2: Got a domain approved with traffic holder (just added some crap porn there)
Step 3: Shared the video I wanted increasing on Twitter
Step 4: Right clicked on the twitter video link and copied the shortcut link
Step 5: Redirected my approved domain to the twitter link
Step 6: Bought traffic from trafficholder to my domain

Now it works great but the problem is that the cheapest traffic there per 1000 is $1.40 so its not really viable and no cheaper than some providers but if you can find a traffic source for say $0.10 per 1000 then this would be a good way to increase views.

I have tried it with popup traffic which is like $0.001 per view but that doesn't work but there must be cheaper sources out there.

Feel free to chime in if you have anything positive to add and maybe we can work something out?
Nice idea, would this work with adfly though? Their cheapest options are at 5/10k views.

how much money you made with the views you got? making money depends on the niche we choose i guess.niche selecting is hardest thing for me
On a related note, the day Google allows YouTube ads on Adsense will be a amazing day.
tested adfly in the past (3 months ago) infact their traffic is very cheap but out of 10000 views from adfly only about 518 counted *(tested on multiple videos). so yeah you got your answer, this type of traffic needs to hit the video many times in order to get the views counted, and that way this aint cheap.
tested adfly in the past (3 months ago) infact their traffic is very cheap but out of 10000 views from adfly only about 518 counted *(tested on multiple videos). so yeah you got your answer, this type of traffic needs to hit the video many times in order to get the views counted, and that way this aint cheap.

Yes not all of the counted with trafficholder, probably about 50% did.
Thought AdFLy didn't work as they iFrame both the advertisement (YouTube video) and actual webpage in the same frame?

Also how many views did you have register out of the 1,000? When I've tested before unless I've created a script specifically for delivering the view, the results were pretty bad i.e. sent 1,000 views got 200 counted.
you can use redirectors, just make sure you dont add that script at the very first place, let them first aproove your webpage and after that they dont review it anymore lol
but like i specified above, this method is useless, you need to own your "own" way of traffic if you plan to redirect views to a video since the viewer needs to hit the same video multiple times to get a view counted *(views on this way doesnt allways get counted, thats why he should hit the same video more than one time).
While i was runing these tests on adfly i discovered that to be a pure waste of money, i mean, comon out of 10000 views only 500 around? dont also forget that adfly is an target for botters who use proxies to get money from it, even thought adfly got an big list of proxies it aint perfect, so that can be one of the causes.
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btw, im not telling anything new, spk already warned everyone about this, buying website traffic will allways be more expensive than buying views and will not get them all counted, while if you would buy from a site like viewtornado it would end up being more cheap and have all the views counted. for this specific method you must own an source of HIGH amount of traffic in order to get an good amount of views.
this works with dating offers?
tested adfly in the past (3 months ago) infact their traffic is very cheap but out of 10000 views from adfly only about 518 counted *(tested on multiple videos). so yeah you got your answer, this type of traffic needs to hit the video many times in order to get the views counted, and that way this aint cheap.

Thats because they send you the same traffic again , those are not UV . Those are hits! Trust me those bastards say they will give you 1k uv's for x dollars. But the more you buy , the more they send you the same. They really need to fix their shitty system and send you unique UV's not the same fucking traffic again.