about 7 months ago, I had one of my accounts flagged for mass messaging on fiverr. I accidentally inboxed a few top rated sellers when I first started on Fiverr. I apologized to fiverr customer support and they told me to ease it on the messages. I think I inboxed about 100 people and I made about $20 in two days.
Three months ago, I used a Fiverr bot called fiverr tools. It allowed me to message 3,000 people on fiverr with the click of a button. I did not get flagged. It is all about your message. Here are a few tips for mass messaging on fiverr:
(1) created dummy account with different proxy
(2) make the message personal. use the person first name in the message and greet them nicely
(3) make sure to offer the customer something he or she cannot refuse
(4) make sure your email blasts are highly targeted. for example, if I see someone selling Dan Kennedy notes, I can sell my Dan Kennedy notes to the buyers customers as well. if your email blast are not highly targeted, you run the risk of getting flagged.
(5) Do not use any links . some people get weary over links. Initially I would not use any urls in the message. You have two first make sure the person is open to what you are selling.
(6) do not mass message other sellers to buy your product. You will get flagged very quickly
(7) if your messaging get suspended, just contact fiverr support and play dumb and apologize. they will reinstate you fiverr account. Just do not mass message with this account anymore. create a new account to mass message.
I hope that helps. Life is about taking risks, some times it works, and other times it can back fire.
I have a question: Do you know of any other Fiverr mass messaging software? the fiverr tools software is not working with fiverr new update. I tried to contact seller, but, I got no response for a month. I need a new bot. Thanks Pierrew