how i can sell a premium domain quickly

List the domain in the Namepros auctions, that's the quickest way to sell without paying any fees. BTW, why do you think it's premium?
I don't think it worth much may be only domain cost you will get.
Show the screenshot that it is premium because I dont think its premium.
If it was actually a premium domain you could get someone's interest by bending the rules and posting a thread like this one in hopes someone would contact you with an offer.

However, you domain isn't a premium domain, looks like it's never had any authority on it or anything.
ok thank you gents
admins sorry for breaking the rulls , it was a long christmas in london and tought that i can extend my fun haha
obiously uksells is a no name domain x
Yea I don't think it's anything special dude. Move on to something else.
I can see you listed at namepros auction. May be force be with you..
hope so
london is like money squeez this days and 3 more days off
