say i visit a hypothetical site today called . had no ads whatsoever on its website
however now when i visit completely unrelated blogs or websites all i see are ads for bobsbbqs reminding me to go back to bobsbbqs and make that purchase.
does this mean that bobsbbqs has purchased ads with google adsense? i went to googles adsense page and it seems they r only selling "Adwords" which is not the same thing as what i saw..
how exactly does this work?
however now when i visit completely unrelated blogs or websites all i see are ads for bobsbbqs reminding me to go back to bobsbbqs and make that purchase.
does this mean that bobsbbqs has purchased ads with google adsense? i went to googles adsense page and it seems they r only selling "Adwords" which is not the same thing as what i saw..
how exactly does this work?