How easy it to learn Java?


Elite Member
Jun 23, 2009
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Anybody teach themselves java? and how long did it take?
Java is a fairly difficult language for a first time around.
Are you familiar with OOP? Object Oriented Programmin?
I'd compare the learning curve to C++
C# being easier and better(IMO)

My recommendation for you would be to read through these 3 books:
Head First Series: Java
Head First Series: Design Patterns (great because it's concepts are around java)
Clean Code 2: A Handbook for Agile Software Craftsmanship

Those are definitely on torrent sites.
You'll take on the world from there really.
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Java is a great starting point because any other language you learn later will be similar. Although you won't see much use for it right off the get-go. C# may be a better way to go. I learned java in under a year. "Learned" is one thing - to master is another. I moved on to other languages once I had learned the concepts of Java. to the Above poster - Java is OOP.

What are you looking to program? Java is a very clunky language and I would only recommend it for learning the concepts of programming and object orientation.

edit - Sorry I thought you said it wasn't OOP it seemed that way. I would NOT compare the learning curve from C++ to Java. Java is far easier but less versatile.
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If you have familiarity with other language-based OOP, like PHP and C++. Learning Java will take nothing more than a morning or an afternoon. But if you are totally newbie for programming in general, then, this will take more time; a month or maybe, more.

Where can you learn it, then?

Well there are lots of tutorials on the Internet and ebooks -- to get you started, just google it.

Java has a lot of use in Android development these days, but people are fearing full dedication for Java after it had been purchased for Sun, cuz no one knows what can happen in the future with Java and MySQL. Reason for that is that C language became the 1st language used world-wide, place that had been occupied for Java in a near past.

Then make your own choice about it.

Well both are great programming languages.
Once you know basics of OOPS and any one language, learning the other is easy.

Java is older than C# but its a personal choice t take the route.

Hope this helps

For a beginner, Java might not be the first choice.
Learn Pythin or Ruby for starters.
Java took one semester in college. It is not difficult.
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