How does this site rank well? Invisible links?


Registered Member
Dec 19, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys, was browsing around on Flippa and noticed a site for sale which ranks on first page of Google for many keywords, a few of them with well over 20,000 searches per month with the highest being a whopping 246,000 searches per month. Believe it or not, it is a very specific niche he is in but still has HUGE search volume. Anyway, the site is a crappy Wordpress site with hardly any images and just some boring text talking about the niche. The site basically looks like crap but pulls in over 5k a month on Adsense. He says that all his backlinks were built white-hat through blog postings, however I did a link check and all 72 of his links have INVISIBLE anchor text (and I didn't see any blogs). Most of the sites have good PR with a few respectable Edu's thrown in there. None of the links are contextual and all I saw were invisible links.

Can someone shed some light on a few things? Do these invisible anchor text links really work..? It seems the site is part of a network of some sort.. I'm thinking it could be the Russian "SAPE" network, but not sure if they do invisible links.

So yeah, crappy ugly site.. decent content.. bunch of invisible links.. amazing rankings. What gives?
I saw a page pop up in my niche with over 25k backlinks, it has only one page literally not even a contact page, extremely competitive keyword, all are virtually SAPE links built over the past month. It's only a matter of time before G takes them down. And yea a lot of times sites will use CSS to move the links off the page so they are still "visible" to the bots but not real people. Frankly, I'm surprised the technique still works.
Really bad idea to link to them like that you just exposed your own thread they are going to follow it back via referrer. Not cool to out sites on the forums.
I think this is hacking method..some kind of link injection..anchor text are showing in ahrefs..but when checking manually, its not visible
Really bad idea to link to them like that you just exposed your own thread they are going to follow it back via referrer. Not cool to out sites on the forums.

Going to take it down but the guy above wanted to know the site.... lets get back to subject at hand..
Going to take it down but the guy above wanted to know the site.... lets get back to subject at hand..

I think you already have your answer . Hacking throught some kind of injection that grants access to the website, then putting a link and hiding it throught css properties .

Sample of the method for that specefic website : style="font-weight:normal:text-decoration:none;color:#ffffff;">bed bath and beyond 20 off coupon
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just blackhat links.. it looks like injected/hacked site links are big now.
The injected/hacked thing seems likely, but wouldn't he want to do this on site related to his niche ?
The injected/hacked thing seems likely, but wouldn't he want to do this on site related to his niche ?
That's what matt cunts woud like you to think, actually links from high Pr with high authority websites even not related to your niche worth a lot of gold.
That's how the sape network works as well. However, this is not granted to work forever.
There are ways to hide links such as (AI Link Guardian) invented by the firm I work for:

* Please note: I am providing the link above for educational purposes only. I am not trying to spam BHW or offer any services. OP was wondering how sites like that can pull of "invisible links" and I'm attempting to directly answering that question.
Link injection works as I have tested with one of my sites. Many of them appears in google as backlinks and google can't catch it ( yet). The best way to make the injected links work is by using javascript ( not the color:#fff / text-indent:-9999 bullshits). I will not go into any more detail on this as this is definitely not legal. I wrote here to only to provide you the updated information on this.
Definitely hacked links, i don't think its Sape, even though Sape does have invisible links but most of those are filled with viagra,pharma kind of spam, which is not the case for this coupon website. He also have around 15 unique articles.
your site loss to see if you have been exploited by this technique.

Just about the most popular approaches to attain backlinks would be to plough these people to the personal of your forum publish.
There are ways to hide links such as (AI Link Guardian) invented by the firm I work for:

* Please note: I am providing the link above for educational purposes only. I am not trying to spam BHW or offer any services. OP was wondering how sites like that can pull of "invisible links" and I'm attempting to directly answering that question.

This could really protect companies SEO efforts that cost them thousands of dollars
I really like to see screenshot from this seller when he take that money out :)
I am 90% sure that he use some ad clicker bot or service like that.
I don't think he built some kind of "invisible links" as these kind of links doesn't exist. I think he is simply blocking MajesticSEO. It can be done via robots.txt file by adding this -

user-agent: MJ12bot
disallow: /

Though, I couldn't find it in his/her robots.txt file. So I guess he/she is doing it via .htaccess file which is more safer and accurate for blocking MajesticSEO.
Hacked websites.

I guess he's going to sell the site, change the links onto another site, sell that, etc etc.
Hacked websites.

I guess he's going to sell the site, change the links onto another site, sell that, etc etc.

I would vote for that as well.

And I don't buy this site gets 5k/month adsense.. !